Once the boss dies, you need to do mini events to get it to spawn again.
Clearing one of the mini events gives 200 and can give some gear.
Once youve done enough to fill the bar to 100% the boss respawns and you get 1500ish for killing it.
You can repeat this as many times as your group can beat the events in the hour.
Then it changes zone.
My alts have always earned their own way. All people were doing is pooling resources - all the rewards are account wide anyway. What difference is it if I want to get xp on my alts and then send the currency to my main if I buy pets and mounts and gear that is account wide anyway.
I think you’re missing what they’re saying. The issue isn’t about the currency, it’s that the quests themselves are high experience that will be missed by other characters as well. So instead of being able to cycle through to level alts, it’s really only incredibly useful once a day in total instead of incredibly useful for several characters once a day.
I sure would like to play the new limited time event. Sadly it only occurs once every 90 minutes and is up for about 5 minutes, so if you miss it too bad so sad. I know this is going to speed up to 30 minute cycles, why wait? Why further time gate/block a limited time single occurrence event?
I know I was bad with this to get the mount, but honestly, feels like this punishing people who love to play there alts too. I mean, if making changes to increase the rate of the event, then that should be enough. Only reason why people such as myself did it in the first place because of how punishing it was to do the first place.
I think the warband should be about progress being transferrable between characters, not about making alt-playing the ideal way to play the game. Things like renown being warband-wide are very good, now, you can play on whichever character you want while contributing to renown (vs before when I felt like what is the point of making any rep progress on alts)
You don’t want the players to use Warbands as a necessary to buy them all. Looks like we are still using it, no matter how much you’re increasing the drop rate.
exactly, they did not need new feedback on this, I appreciate the change but it should have never been needed in the first place, they should have known not to launch the event as it was.
It’s good to know that the feedback is listened to and something is being done to address it rather quickly, so definitely appreciated.
The change that I do find concerning is that instead of it being a weekly quest it is now a daily quest, but instead of each character being able to do it for each zone, it’s now going to be account bound. That feels like I’m being punished because I like to play multiple characters and that doesn’t feel very good as someone that enjoys playing alts religiously.
Why not keep it per character instead of making it account bound? For those that have the free time and want to farm it out quickly, that should be their prerogative and not handcuffed like that.
Isn’t the spirit of adding the warbound system to give credence to playing alts regularly?
Sure you can farm the bosses and mobs more frequently, but I can always collect more with the quest rewards on multiple characters than I could just standing in the zone for hours farming on end.
I’ll have to see how this plays out, but it feels like two steps forward and three steps back.
Sure I’m whining, and I haven’t read through the comments to see if I’m in the complete minority here, but I guess we’ll see.
People who want to play alts arent being punished.
Theyre just not being rewarded.
The event is always up and giving out rewards.
If a player wants to change character then there’s nothing stopping them. They can farm it just as effectively as if they stayed on their main.
Basically its an even playing field for all players.