Radiant Echoes Improvements Are Now Live

“I don’t like other people playing the game more than me, so they should be limited by what I want to put into the game.”

Not everyone can mythic raid, and putting time and energy into mythic raiding takes a lot of time, effort, and skill. Should the gear that drops from it be reduced to only LFR tier just to make people who play casually not feel like they’re being left behind? Should someone who actually wishes to play more and has more time not feel rewarded for playing more and putting in more effort? What do you lose by other people getting additional currencies for cosmetic goods and mounts?

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because we’re better than you

go get a job

Also this is the BIGGEST lie. If you want to do what you’re saying, then do that. But then don’t go funneling things to your main using your alts. Cause then you’re not really playing, you’re cutting out play time.

It was broken in Beta. We could kill the LK, and then nothing happened at all as an example. So people moved on to leveling, and I don’t blame them, in beta it was just never fixed.

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I had a job for 45 years unlike some other people in this thread who don’t ever work.

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Thanks for listening and for taking quick action. This is much appreciated.

I wonder if it was because the character was already 70 and had the quest in the log. I abandoned and relogged and it still didn’t let me transfer the currency (they didn’t even show on the character).

For context, I could do the event and pick up the quests inside the portal before completing the quests with Harbinger and Magni quests, and I could earn the currency on the toon to spend, but I couldn’t see the currency from my alts to transfer until both of those story quests were completed.

On ptr the boss drops 1500ish each kill.
The daily quest gives 3000.
The mini events that are always up now give 200ish and can drop gear.

This is a massive improvement.

45 minutes on ptr and i have multiple bits of gear and just shy of 10k

If you want to gear characters or get mogs and stuff, this is a huge win.


Thank you, just make sure its all fixed and streamlined for when i get back from Stergis on the 10th

Thank you very much!! :hugs:


I’m so happy to hear this!

Nice. This is a huge win, unless you consider being able to accomplish things faster as a negative like SOME people.

I just played a bit on the PTR, so hereby my honest opinion. It feels a lot better. Instead of having to be there at exactly a specific time, together with a gazillion other people, otherwise you are too late, you can now just hop in, clear some memories, kill the boss and repeat if you want.

However, there are two MAJOR issues on live that I don’t see acknowledged nor addressed:

  • Humongous lag. As the amount of people on the PTR was limited, I didn’t see if this will be improved, so that is on Blizzard to better manage (more sharding for example)
  • On live it happens that loot does not drop at all. So no gear, no crests and also no currency. From the 18 events I did on live, at least half of them did not drop loot, not even currency. Absolutely nothing at all. This MUST be fixed as well. Otherwise you go from a major disappointment once per 90 minutes to a major disappointment every 10-15 minutes

Don’t the tier bonuses get cut off at launch? Or does that only happen at season changes?

I haven’t even been able to participate in this stupid event yet. Every time I log in, the event is already completed and there’s a massive 1.5 hour timer. How’d this even get released?

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Well thats pretty sad, no wonder its a mess on live.

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Speak for yourself lazy bum, It was not made to funnel everything to a main but for work on one character to not be invalidated if one decided to change characters/mains or wantd a pool of deciently gear characters to mess around/help others with.

I already have 2 of the 3 pets, not because I transfered the currency to may main, but because I transferred it to my currently played toon to buy the pet. I have used the warband to fill out my mog collections, running old riads on main/top geared toons.

Just cause you can’t use it how you like, does not mean we would be better off without it, it just means it is not for short sighted fools.

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Mail the ones in your bag to an alt then loot the 5 in the mail. Then send enough to make 20 to the alt you just mailed the other stack to.

What does it matter? You’re gearing your alts now, you’re collecting tier transmogs NOW.

The main reason to collect gear with prepatch is to get transmog and tier.

Otherwise you will start the xpac like anyone else and the campaign is braindead easy enough that gear is not a factor and quests will keep you reasonably geared.

Since you can’t catalyze Radian Echoes gear pieces, they’re just worse than doing M0’s and weekly awakened activities.

You do know that the “g” in mmorpg does not stand for “grindy”, right?

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Ah, wasn’t even thinking about the mogs.