Radiant Echoes event needs adjusting, this is ridiculous

what does sky riding have to do with the event

No, there are other issues. Like when it freezes.

After work, I did the intro quests, got the quest from Khadgar to complete a Radiant Echoes event, entered the Searing Gorge, and then a few minutes later the event started. It was going on well until it just straight up froze at 5/6 at the second stage. As we waited and looked for the missing memory, other in the chat shared that this happened for me in the other zones too.

I’m also here to add my complaint.

The event was done in my zone in 4 minutes flat. The boss was killed in approximately 40 seconds, and I just landed before I could get it hit on the boss.

Repeat the spawns a couple of times so players in the zone get a chance, because this is ridiculous.

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Yeah you have to be there early, in the spawn spot and wait. I don’t even try to go to one of the areas to spawn the boss, I just stay where boss spawns lol

Emphasis on the point being made, bud.

Nothing you suggested is helpful or even relevant to the glaring issue so many are pointing out. It seriously just sounds like shameless shilling.

Who can handle farming 1 by 1 and after 1 hour the boss doesn’t even spawn, and all this for mediocre rewards.

Apparently the boss spawns at the start, which like makes no sense imo? I’ve missed all the bosses so far because I’m not getting a spawn notification or any clue as to where it is, but I see the residual mobs locations of the map. At least dragonflights was better. Every hour the boss spawned, zone changed every x hours and we mob farmed until boss spawned. This one is just sh*t and lazy.

If you know an event starts at 5PM and you swap to your character who is parked in the wrong zone and doesn’t have skyriding turned on at 4:57PM and get hit with the worlds worst load screen…

It’s your fault for poor planning. You could’ve switched two minutes sooner and been fine.

There’s a lot of things completely trash about this event but this thread is literally about a guy who didn’t swap characters soon enough and got mad that the boss died before he could load in and fly over from who knows how many zones away.

What’s next, are we going to make rage threads about how restaurants gave our table away when we were late for our reservation?


Except you can be a quarter zone away and still not get there in time…

And yet, that is not the context in which this thread was made.

If you go to the portal room in the centre of Dalaran, there’s a timer and a notification when the event is about to start and which zone. That and the big crowd of people in front of the one-of-three portals.

Event should have been a LFR. So we wouldn’t be over loading the zone and help makes sure we get proper drops. Also not having to look at small room with a clock over the portal would have been really nice…

As it stands right now, you could quite literally miss the entire event if your loading screen is too long or you forgot to turn skyriding on. The event dies so fast that people don’t even have time to get a tag, so they end up having to wait 90 minutes for the next event - 4.5hrs for that same zone’s next event.

The OP is right in saying you COULD miss the boss event IF any of those things happen to you. They are not saying it happened to them, it is part of the design of the event.

Even if the boss is unattackable for the first few seconds, this either:
(a) needs to be longer, so people doing the prior objectives, furthest away, needed to spawn the boss, have time to get there (whether their account has unlocked skyriding or not - e.g. any account without Dragonflight)
or (b) let the boss spawn multiple times during the event cycle BUT only allow loot/reward once per character per cycle.

We expect lag - there always is when you have more than 40 people logged into one area. Perhaps sudden phasing, when more people arrive - such as a whole raid group - may be causing some of the “no spawn” glitches?

If the developers had listened to, and acted on, feedback from beta, this event could have been so much better.

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They never thought about how so many players would be flooding each event.

They probably thought maybe there would be just enough to allow each mini-event to be slowly completed, then after 20-30 minutes, the boss would be ready for people to kill.

They didn’t take notice of players wanting to get it done ASAP.

With needing over 330,000 memories to buy everything, you need to get as much from every event all day.

Took me about the same time, realizing that this event is trash. Why using a rest time no one can really memorize easily? 90 minutes… why not every 60 minutes? Why not let the boss spawn every 15 minutes as long as the zone still has the event up?

Feels like they don’t play their own game to me.


I actually thought, your original post was dripping with sarcasm. Sarcasm and giving up on team play because no one in WoW will wait for you to be in position before a boss is pulled.

Over the years Blizzard nurtured that me me me! game play, feels like Ninjalooter finally won. Yes those Bosses in the event start out with a similar shield then the rares for the Dream Surge do, but apparently it is way to short when people can’t make it to the boss from the last objective that spawns it.


I logged in around 8:00 PDT last night and did the short quest chain. Then I went to Dustwallow Marsh to check out the event. By this time it was about 8:15. There were a bunch of people standing around, but nothing happening. Eventually I ascertained from zone chat that I had missed the event, and the next one was at 9:30. I said “screw it” and just queued for a random dungeon instead.

I really liked the Dragonflight expansion overall, but one of my major complaints is that so much content is on a schedule that requires me to show up at just the right time (Community Feast, Dragonbane Keep, Superbloom, Researchers Under Fire - just to name a few). I really hope that isn’t going to be a trend going forward because having to match my play time to a preset schedule isn’t fun for me.

Not only that, but there’s no indication in the zone that the boss HAS spawned. At least a zone-wide Yell (similar to the one in Zereth Mortis for the event in the far east side) would enable those further away time to stop fighting, mount up & get to the boss before it activates & is annihilated.

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Last night I was getting messages when the boss was up, and the boss also had a shield for a couple of minutes before it could be attacked. Are other people not seeing those?

MY big annoyance is that as a Shadowboxer (I’ve got two accounts out here, one dragging the other along uselessly because I don’t have outlawed software or hardware) both characters need to tag the mob to get the currency, but that’s a me thing. I can see why they would’ve done it that way, and it’s nice that the mobs aren’t “capping out” after a set number of tags like they used to.