Radiant Echoes event needs adjusting, this is ridiculous

Found Ion. Dumbest hot take today. Congrats


How many times are people going to reply to my post without reading the OP.

They were complaining about the load screens because they were on the wrong toon.

They were complaining about the time it takes to get there, because the right toon is in the wrong zone, and does not have skyriding enabled.

My comment is only absurd if you skip the first post in the thread.

Personally, if someone is on the wrong toon and the toon they want to be on is in the wrong zone without skyriding, AND they wait until it’s too late to swap over and fix that issue… that’s not exactly Blizzard’s fault.

All that waiting and the boss never spawns. :unamused:

The event is very underbaked and clearly untested.

Blizzard has been adamant on repeatedly firing QA staff and then outsourcing that work to players on PTR, but then withholding testing from players to preserve experience integrity like FF14 does. Except Square Enix has a QA team.


Aside from being buggy, this just seems like such low effort trash.


i read the op. i still think you’re off your tree. when switching characters, especially from different realms, the loading screen is weird. i’ve seen a couple start up and immediately finish before it actually goes to my toon and it actually loads.
i don’t want to have to park and camp for an event, or use a certain mode of transport, or whistle the national anthem while wearing a wedding gown, i want to just log in and join in when i feel like it. that’s supposed to be part of the appeal of gaming.
you dying on the hill of “this very short lived, once and you get to wait an hour+ event is definitely a great way to game” is either some new level of dedicated trolling, or that guy was right and we found ion.


I’m sitting in Dragonflight doing literally nothing. I don’t know whats even happening or what the event even is, but this is the dumbest thing ever.


Took the words right out of my mouth. I feel like if they do nothing else that people have suggested to fix the event. They need to increase how much of the new currency drops. Farming trash for 1-2 memories isn’t worth anyone’s time.


Same lol. But in Searing Gorge. Lined up hovering above boss spawn site along with several others on Headless horseman mounts :crazy_face: Chalked this event in another blizz fail column :rofl:

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Same thing just happened on my server. Great going, Blizz.

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Radiant Echoes event in Searing Gorge - only 5 memories appeared, so there is no way to complete the 6th, get the end boss, or farm currency until the next window in an hour and a half. “No event for you!”


If the event were correctly designed, it wouldn’t matter what zone or toon you were on, but since it’s not, it IS blizzard’s fault. It’s up to the game designer to protect the players from making mistakes that ruin their game experience.

This is fundamental game design 101.


did you try to learn or equip the sword? last time I did, I learned the appearance and it became WuE.

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The essences can drop from any of the mobs. Bosses are just guaranteed. You can absolutely grind it out if you want.

This part, same


Did you read what the person said you replied to? They know you can. They’re saying for the heirloom ring you have to kill the bosses. And they’re right, you have to, multiple times.

No, you don’t. As I said, the essences can drop from any of the little mobs as well. I’ve only killed each boss once but have six of each essence right now because even though the bosses give five, I also got one from random mob kills in each zone. The bosses are not required.

The hype reminds me of my ex bf that hyped me up so good and got me so excited and then the (event) happened. Lasted 10 seconds.


Nothing like killing the hype of the new expansion with a lackluster event. At least we got a dungeon last time.


And to make matters worse, the catch up items, that use this season’s flightstones and such, but they can’t be turned into tier, and the helms can’t receive the enchant. waste of time.