Radiant Echoes event needs adjusting, this is ridiculous

The event does come across as a slapped-together, half-baked effort. But, I got it done and don’t need to bother with it again.

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I got some housework done last night while waiting between spawns.

At least with the HS event there was a fun cloud serpent circle. :face_with_diagonal_mouth:

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They don’t actually take player feedback seriously because they think game psychology outweighs player evidence. I think it’s stupid to have the event be 90 mins long for the boss to only be killed in 20 mins tops. It’s really not even a viable way to level alts either. What a terrible event.


I just talked with a friend about the same thing. WoW had allot very good ideas for mechanics, but for some reason the Developers… instead of reusing good stuff, they just insist on creating new bad stuff instead.

I mean those zone wide yells where not particular to Shadowlands, earlier Expansions had such stuff already.

Dragonflight as example, has since this WW patch, a yell when one of the events start, it didn’t have that before which is why I was forced to download a addon that shows me when what event comes up. Apart from that trash Siege on Dragon Keep one where the only thing you can do is have the WoWhead main page open, which shows you such stuff.
Why is that not inside the game? I guess the same reason why allot of the story and its lore is outside the game in books & comics .

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It’s because Blizzard has massive staff turnover.

And the new people they bring in have huge egos and think “the people who MADE the game didn’t know what they’re doing; we should throw it all out and do things MY way”.

And this isn’t 1 or 2 or 3 generations, it’s been happening continuously for years. There’s no institutional memory at Blizzard. They repeat their mistakes because nobody’s around to remember them.

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LOL! The one I just did was more like around 5 minutes.

Viable way to level alts, lol! I have a level 57 Rogue, need 51000 experience to level, killing mobs gives me 500 per mob. That means I just need to kill 100 to gain one level. I’d rather run the quests in Shadowlands, especially since they recently raised the XP quests and dungeons give.

I think you might be right with the huge staff turnover.

But it is possible, that they don’t have big egos, it might be possible that they are just incompetent. I don’t mean incompetent in doing the work needed, I mean incompetent because they do not have all the knowledge of all the mechanics that where put into the game over the years, some that where taken out and only some that still linger.

In addition to that, I can’t imagine anyone of those Designers actually playing the game at least for a prolonged time. They might jump in, testing stuff and jump out. But how can you explain, that there are things that made it to the Test realm, where probably their “Family & Friends” testers already said its bad, where the closed Beta testers say its bad, where open Beta testers say its bad… and it still makes it to live?

Either it is incompetence, or because of huge inflated egos.

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whys are your points flawed? lowest denominator of rationale.

This is pretty much how most corporate studios operate. It’s such an echo chamber of yes men that they believe terrible ideas are actually brilliant, hence why your character is a hideous lizard instead of a playable dragon.


I’ve participated zero seconds in this circus. In my mind the event doesn’t exist until a few weeks from now. If that.

I wish. I’ve done th event and killed 4 end bosses and gotten loot precisely once. On the third one. The other 3 gave me nothing.

Edit: Add in a 5th boss with no loot

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I have tried the event 4 times and only been able to kill the boss 1 time…

Needs to be every 30 minutes for EVERY boss. Not just change it up every thirty

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Yeah, this whole 1 event per 90 mins thing is horrible. I can’t even be 5 mins late to the event or I would have missed a good chunk of the event and have to wait another 90 mins.

Sounds a bit like a job tbh…



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I don’t even care about the catch-up gear, I did all I wanted to do for this season. I just want a playable, fun pre-patch event and to collect transmog. Instead, we got an unpolished outdoor activity with such bad ping that you can’t hardly collect any of the currency. If you can get a group together to tag lots of mobs, you can level decently quickly, but it’s the most mind-numbing grind I’ve done in years, and the drop rate of Residual Memory is frankly criminal.

I went ahead and hopped on the grind for three hours with a group of 5. Managed to complete 2 of the weekly quests and did hit level 70 from 57… but I only collected about 5000 Residual Memory. That was enough to buy the robes, and that’s it. From three hours of running in circles tagging mobs and doing the quest in each zone… one appearance. There are four different armor sets to collect. I don’t even want to do the math on how long that’s going to take.

Even if I do something else between the activities, am I really supposed to come back every hour and a half to grind something? I’ll admit that I don’t have a lot going on right now, but I still have better things to do than THAT.

Not to mention the absolutely horrendous lag making it questionable at best if you’ll be able to get things done.

This isn’t fun.

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