Radiant Echoes event needs adjusting, this is ridiculous

It’s been reported since day ONE of being available for testing and I can’t figure out why Blizz let this uber-hyped event launch in such a frustrating state. For weeks I’ve been seeing the same feedback over and over again, it’s a unanimously agreed upon solution - have the event repeat itself for its full duration so that players can have alts participate or make it every 30m like the last week is supposed to be.

As it stands right now, you could quite literally miss the entire event if your loading screen is too long or you forgot to turn skyriding on. The event dies so fast that people don’t even have time to get a tag, so they end up having to wait 90 minutes for the next event - 4.5hrs for that same zone’s next event.

Not only does this frustrate players, but also ruins the fun of the event. Yes, we know that early-era events weren’t fast paced and grand, but the recent ones (Legion/BFA/SL/DF) set up standards for how a pre-patch event is ran and now we feel that TWW’s event falls entirely short of that heightened expectation.

To be clear: the event itself is fantastic…if you’re lucky enough to get to the mobs and snag a tag before they die and be one of the lucky few who get to partake in the final boss. The timing is the only real issue with the event. Fix the timing and the event is golden and perfect like we expected it to be.

Even if you don’t take the players’ advice exactly, just ANY change to the timing of the event would make players sufficiently happy. We’re not asking for some huge overhaul, just a little tweak to how often the final boss spawns during those 90 minutes.

As the event is right now, it is frustrating instead of fun and we’re about to park our toons right at the final boss spawn and just log off until the next event starts and pray we get a tag.

EDIT: The good news seems to be that the memories drop more often than beta and if you join a super-fast full raid to do the first event, you might get lucky and phase to an incomplete event when you leave the raid group and get to do it twice, but on the same char. Still a bad design in my opinion and super RNG/Luck based.

But someone explain to me why my DRUID got a SOULBOUND sword as my reward? It’s not even warband bound…


I think my interest died after like 12 minutes of logging in lol. Sadly a new record.
I’m not sitting around for 30 minutes to kill 1 boss, nor am I tab-target farming trash for 1-2 currency.


Its somehow worse than the HS event and that was real real bad


I mean being on hourly timers is probably easier just logistically but suggesting that blizzard ought to make changes because you didn’t bother to…

  • budget enough time for the loading screen to swap toons?
  • turn on skyriding?
  • pre-staging them at the event you wanted them to partake in?

…just sounds like maybe this is a personal responsibility / procrastination problem.


Exactly, even if I had the time and patience to just grind the mobs for the resources, they die in 2 hits and if you aren’t’ some uber-tag class like a druid with moonfire, you just aren’t getting mobs fast enough to make it worth your time. This wouldn’t be such an issue if we could do the main event more often though.


Join PTR/Beta they said. Help test the game they said, the devs will listen to you they said…


The fact that you think it’s REASONABLE for players to have to plan to the millisecond when they’re getting into the zone and in place for an event like this is ridiculous.

The boss is spawned by doing objectives in the zone. So the people who are doing the objectives don’t get to be the ones killing the boss they worked to spawn. If everyone followed your advice, there’d be no one to spawn the boss. Your logic is flawed.


the worst part of this is you NEED to kill the bosses. MULTIPLE TIMES! to get the new heirloom ring because its not as simple as grind currency like the rest of the rewards, you need 20 of each continent’s memories to make an essence, and you only get 5 memories each time.


it’s warcraft. there is no honor here, dont go looking for it.

stop doing the objectives. be the one who tags the boss.


let me time all my loading screens then use some complicated math formulas so i can budget them lmao you can’t be real right now

budget loading screens HAHAHAHA


That advice is entirely unhelpful to the game, this is an MMO, events like these shouldn’t be self-centered, the design is cooperative in nature, but the timing makes it so if you HAVE to prey upon the naivety of other players who don’t know better.

If everyone took your advice, no one would succeed. My personal opinion of you is that either you’re trolling, you haven’t actually done the event and experienced it first hand, or you should NEVER work in the gaming industry.


The cringe coming from you is off the charts. Better simmer down homie.


it’s almost like you didn’t read who i was responding to, a person who literally complained that they didn’t have time to swap toons because of the loading screen.


can’t talk right now i’m budgeting my loading screens


Why would it ever be off? :thinking:
Reading the forums over this event has certainly made my day.

GL to all of you still participating in this farce.


new blizzard quality, NEVER play anything when its released, always wait a week or two for a fix, look at the pandaria remix for example, you were literally punished for playing the first weeks instead of waiting the massive bronze buff


its an hour and a half and sometimes they dont even spawn. sometimes the timer just resets.


I swap it for certain things, like if I need to land somewhere oddly specific, but need to fly to get there. (As an example, in the Emerald Dream there are treasures up in the trees, skyriding makes it harder to land on the exact branch so steady flight is better.)


…that’s new?


Haha I didn’t even come in with high expectations… they just never stop surprising you even after all these years. This is shockingly bad. I am not even going to bother “complaining”, have fun everyone.