Radiant Echoes event needs adjusting, this is ridiculous

Look friend, this isn’t your first day playing warcraft, right? When has this exact problem ever NOT happened?

It happened in Darkshore. It happened in Alterac Valley. It happened during the Nyalotha event. It happened on Argus. It happened in the Maw. It happened in the prepatch for SL and BFA. The legion prepatch has honestly left my memory.

This is always how it is.

The community does not hold their fire and wait for people to get there, ever. Blizz does not often do a good enough job giving rares time to spawn in.

Hell I can’t count the number of times I’ve looked at a minimap and seen people desperately running towards a boss in LFR only for someone to shoot it, on purpose, to start the event knowing they would get locked out.

You are expecting chivalry and logic in a game full of scoundrels developed by overworked underpaid unappreciated goblins chained to their desk by Venture Company executives.

Become a scoundrel or be unhappy in your righteousness.

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None of that matters, what matters is giving blizz feedback so we can improve the game, not roll over dead and go “nothing we can do” like you are. If every player were like you and did what you say to do, the game would’ve died years ago. Trying to justify terrible game design because “that’s how it was before” is one of the worst things you can do to the game.

EDIT: Not going to be responding to you further, you aren’t helpful and are honestly just trolling at this point. Not interested in your opinions anymore.


Well, as a casual player, i’m finding all of this to be a confusing mess.


I didn’t say there’s nothing you can do. Quite the opposite.

I said if you stop using slow-flight or stop hanging out on the wrong character or stop trying to swap characters at the last possible second, things YOU suggested YOU were doing, it might be less of an issue.

If all you want is the immunity window to be longer, ask for that. But i’d leave out all those things you’re doing wrong because it really undercuts the request.

You are an actual loser for saying that.


Logged on with my toon in Dalaran near the portals, the location changed and I ported there and almost missed the kill for the first boss.

Then I zoom to the first little event area and have absolutely no idea how to do anything so I just stand aroudn trying to work out how to accomplish anything, it is completed while I’m doing that and I zoom to the next. This time I get to do something for a few points and some essences of Northrend.

Now we get notified that we have to kill the memory of the Lich King. Zoom to the location and find it is almost dead already, get a few attacks in, he dies, event is finished.

Total time taken: 9 mins 25 seconds.
Reward: 480 gear x 2, 2,100 residual memories.

Now I have to wait 80 minutes for the next event to start and it will probably finish in less than 10 minutes.

And I can’t even jump on to an alt to do the event because it is over and done with.

And forget sticking around in the zone to spend time killing the mobs for 1 memory each. Simply not worth it.


Of all the troll-ish hills to die on, this is the one that a no-name forum alt mage picks. Petty ain’t a good look on you, friend. :joy:


You didn’t read the OP. They are on the wrong toon in the wrong place without skyriding and are writing a mad post because they didn’t have time to log out, swap over, and fly before the immunity wore off.

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The amount of memories that drop needs to be increased tenfold for the cost of the items.


Dragonblight glitched om my realm, can’t kill the last boss, so nothing to do till the next one starts.


I mean, the events this expac have NOT been good at all. They’re all on long timers (the primal events, researchers, time rifts, this one), finish in seconds, or take forever (researchers). Basically if you don’t camp them or watch a timer good luck. Forgotten Reach was okay but ultimately extraordinarily boring rare farming yet again, and Zaralek was more of the same once you exhausted a couple weekly things.

When I think of events, I want something closer to ESO or others where I have an actual opportunity to participate at any time. Or like the weekly quests where I can do them at my own pace. Instead the world content is on a timer, involves a boss/rare, and is done before you can blink quite often. The fyraak events were pretty close to that idea with the exception of Fyraak himself. He at least had enough HP to last a couple minutes but still, he was so far in the middle of nowhere that getting to him in time could be challenging.


Have the event repeat for the 90 minute duration.
Have the bosses only drop memories, loot, once per event.
All the mini-events just repeat and give the minor rewards.



Blizzard, this is the solution right here. Because this is basically how the other pre-patch events in recent decade have worked and we were happy with that.


I sat in Dragonblight for a really long time waiting to free webbed crusaders which never activated. From what I can tell the event is broken. Hoping there is a hotfix tomorrow. Between last week and today, this is not looking promising for things to come.

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so i just did the dragonblight one for the second time on a shard that took 35 minutes to finish ‘free the crusaders’ and you DO NOT get the 500 memories for killing the boss after the first time it seems
maybe it’s daily

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What sort of gameplay is this, I log on and now just have to sit for 60min before can play?


So 4 kills of each boss?

it’s a good idea but none of the other pre-patch events worked like that.

it has always been a “if you miss it, you miss it” problem.

Okay i agree with the sky riding thing.
Both DF and now TWW have been focused on the Dragonflight/Skyriding thing so thats pretty much a given.

but the other 2?
Those sound ridiculous to me to expect that of players in an new event.

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The players absolutely love our game! See how long they stay logged in for!