R12 and R13 cannot release this horrible can it?

Its ok my litttle man, i had to school you about pvp, it really wasnt suprising

i doubt you’re schooling anyone here. We seen your video

Can you guys just triple the rank 12/13 PVP set bonus’s at least. The PVE sets are buffed so much it’s embarrassing for PVP players to wear such trash bonuses.

Yeah the video of me outplaying another rogue i was grey to.

Im 100x better than you bro.

Notice how blizzard is basically doing what i said they would need to do?

Herp Derp more stamina aint it without a pvp damage reduction…they listened, when all you idiots were just crying for more stam.

None of you pvp, youre all 1100 rated players who still back peddle and click.

I bet I could unbind all my keys, back peddle, and maintain a 1400-1500 Arena rating.

But thanks for sharing.

Can we get set bonuses for rank 12/13 tripled.

Maybe change the class specific set bonus to the 2 part set bonus instead of the 3 part and make the 2 part 60 stam the 4 part to dissuade use in PVE

2 part 20 stam needs to be 60 stam
6 part needs to be 80 spell power 120ap

Its insane how much power PVE set bonuses give classes now after all
The buffs. PVP players are massively shafted. 23 spell power as a 6 part what is that 1/10 of the power of every 6 part set for PVE


Throwing hands unironically made a post about boomkins being “free kills” in P4. Clearly you can invalidate any opinion they have.


Im 100x better than you bro. . .


you two need to honor duel

yea, sure. Duel for csh app then?

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Sure where you at?

Server and toon name?

crusader strike Shifty

Dang I’m on Lone Wolf.

I guess we can’t duel and I’m just better

We both know that’s not your toons name, youre way to much of a coward to give out your toons name.

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Nerf the pvp sets, pve is much more difficult

They did make some changes just now to PVE sets and some abilities.

Shaman got nerfed.

nice man you know P4 dropped a while back and you can level to 60 now right?

That new rogue 4pc t2 set bonus.

20% more damage on your main hand weapon from moves that generate combo points.


Sounds like rogues will be doing more damage than shockadins

They should.

Shockadin was nerfed already

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Get dragonbones onto it!

it is my toons name and youre a simple ladd