R12 and R13 cannot release this horrible can it?

I have to assume they wouldn’t release R12 and R13 sets WORSE than MC gear when its always been close to AQ gear…??..??

That datamined gear cannot be correct?? Blizz?


Naw devs, just slap 10-20 stam on each piece and call it a day. Don’t forget to give yourself a well deserved pat on the back.


you’re gonna PVE for some PVP gear and you’re gonna like it… (I kid) but seriously SoD is scuffed, not sure why anyone even bothers with its PVP.



The point of Vanilla PvP is to show off the gear you earned.

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That would be the point of vanilla, not vanilla pvp per-say lol what are you talking about man.

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:man_shrugging:t2:. Thanks for sharing.

Oh noes! Mah pvp gear might not be good for pve! Tha humanity! How I gonna cheese dem meters?

Do you find yourself frequently getting lost on the way back from the mailbox?


The point of vanilla pvp is to eradicate the opposing faction and take over the world!

The struggle is real.

Blizzard has proven time and time again that they absolutely do not care about PvP. They are PvE developers. They are just too afraid to admit they don’t give a **** because we would stop buying their games and giving them our money.


Isn’t the pvp gear absolutely insanely good and statted with mega high stam?

The R12 and R13 gear that should be THE SAME as AQ 40 or Naxx is going to be worse than MC gear

Ironically one of the devs came into the shaman discord and stated they wouldn’t give 2h enhance a second melee attack because it might be unbalanced in PvP… didn’t stop a whole host of decisions for them before tho. :clown_face:


ele shaman with wolves, earth shield, 20% DR wall, burn rune target spread and riptide: this is perfectly fine

one more attack for 2h enhance to press: OP

apparently shockadins are giga busted on PTR

:rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl::rofl: SoD dev logic never ceases to both confuse and amaze


Did you miss the part where he said he was kidding? You conveniently left that part out lmao.

There’s no reason for them to update pvp gear as pvp is not the focus of SOD. They will not waste time and resources to make 5 people happy who still “pvp” lol. Hope you have a great day Throwinhands :people_hugging:

classic has died 2 other times now once pve out geared pvp.

You’re fixing to see a 3rd time.


3 of the 4 highest pop servers are PVP, In classic the ratio is even worse in favor of PVP. Without PVP this game would have died and turned into Everquest 2 when it first launched.

Read that about 5 times so it can sink in.


How long you think this person goes before they realize the point they made isn’t the point they meant to make?

Boo. Figured it out just as I posted lol.