R12 and R13 cannot release this horrible can it?

That means they don’t get the gear then.

This is a video game not a food drive. If you don’t meet the requirements then you don’t get the gear

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The absolute tism in which you respond with on every response is astonishing. No he is not asking for resilience and no resilience is not the solution. More stamina is the solution, that and removing the healing debuff that is bestowed upon you when you enter pvp combat now. Adding more stamina, along with fixing the set bonuses, and removing the healing debuff, would solve almost all of the problems. People would not be getting one shot with the large health pools, and healers would be able to heal the large health pools because they wouldnt be gimped by a 30% healing debuff or whatever it is. Resilience is just the only thing your tiny brain can think of instead of actual solutions. Now relax and quit calling everyone else out when you are the only ignorant one here.

PVPers screw this game, they could careless about us it’s been proven again and again. Let these PVE 1 - 2 step turn boss to the corner clickers and their PVE loving Devs have this dying game. Come join the upcoming PVP games coming out, they might not be perfect but they don’t turn their backs on PVPers.

Thrones and Liberty - September 27, 2024

New World: Aeternum - Open Beta Sept 13 - 16

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^don’t let the door hit ya on the way out

Anytime you want to scroll further and see my other responses, feel free. As it stands your ignorance is showing. Later.

They should double all the offensive stats on the rank 12-13 sets and just put in a 50% reduced effect vs none player targets. This would make it BIS for PVP even with Nax gear out

New World? You mean PVE world? Where 1% of the low player base chooses to flag up? A game about colonizing a new land with 3 factions that just team up together to spam portals for xp? sounds pretty non PVP to me.

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Yeah “Flagged up” All PVE world… I think you have 24/7 AV PVE spam to boss Craft , Dead PVP Event Craft, No AB or WSG Craft and New World confused.

Enjoy your +stamina lower stats than MC gear on your crap Rank 13 gear.

Open Beta starts on the 13th, leave Season of Deadcraft alone for a few days and give it a try PVPers… What do you have to lose, the same ole 24/7 AV spam in a dead game will be there waiting for you when you return.

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I can go to thorium point and murder people and they can’t just choose to unflag and that is all that matters. I know the BUMs think that pvp can only happen in a BG but that is because they are BUMS.

Anyone sitting in a BG 24/7 to pvp has real problems…

New world has 3k in game lmao… Also known as New Exploit

More stamina is literally not going to change anything.

This has been repeated 1000 times.

You could give 150 more stamina which is an insane amount and thats half a crit for most people lmfao.

Unless you add a stat that reduces damage taken in pvp like Resilience stam isnt going to do anything with sod power.


I definitely wish pvp gear was more spicy, the bonus is just so bad it’s not worth swapping the pve gear for some extra stamina. And I think Blood Moon event should be back with cool cosmetic rewards. It was the best pvp in SoD, just honest factionless carnage bonanza.

Yeah they really need to bring that Blood Moon event back, especially with ZG right around the corner. 3000+ coin pumper groups in disc is by far the most fun I’ve had in WoW in a long, long time.

Also make a new world buff you can buy with like 15 silver coins(in addition to other rewards) and that will keep everyone doing it indefinitely. If they did that and added rated BGs in SOD(WSG, AB only) SOD PvP would pop off.

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I doubt those are 100% correct but we will still have the same problem with PvP from the other phases. We need to get people to do battlegrounds again.

If I were making a plan to incentivize players to play PvP, I do these things.

  • Allow players to “prestige” their rank/honor in order to gain access to unique recolored warlord/marshall sets.
  • Create a super fast leveling mechanic in order to get people to play/discover different classes.
  • Gatekeep the Warlord/Marshall weapons with an exorbitantly high gold/achievement/quest/time sink but make them BiS for Phase 5. I’d suggest 99 marks of honor for WSG, AB, AV - significant achievements in the World PvP events - and the killing of opposing faction leaders.

I can maybe see that helping but I think a lot of players like me mainly stopped playing in PvP because it sucks

if you take pvp seriously it’s just going to leave you frustrated unless you are one of the OP FOTM classes/specs and enjoy being a over-powered tyrant bullying children.

The only thing that seems properly rewarded for skill in pvp atm is being a flag carrier with controversial jumps

using inspiration templar right before a fear hits is kinda cool

that’s about it, you know? And I can do something that feels and looks cooler in classic era

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Lol they just buffed damage reduction in pvp combat up to 30% reduced phsyical damage taken from 20%. and 40% reduced magic damage taken also up from 20%.

Now we just need higher stam on the pvp gear.

Almost like i have been saying you cant just add more stamina and you need damage reduction with more stam.

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Copy & paste from wrath/cata. Problem solved. Enjoy good pvp

  • Upcoming Rank 11/12 Armor pieces are also not Unique.

I dont remember r11 giving any armor pieces. Maybe its a hint we are getting r12 sets and later r13/14 sets

They might be giving us a full set for 11/12
And a buffed version for 13/14 or it was a typo we can only dream lol.

they skipped 9 the bullet point just above. So hopefully they are aware and we getting new sets!
You was right. They just fixed their mistake

RIP T-T lol