R12 and R13 cannot release this horrible can it?

By the time rank 14 gets out of the time gate, it will be as good as a green.

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Naw don’t worry, they will just slap some more stam on the rank 14 weapons and it will be fixed.

the best part is theyre not afraid to admit it. the publicly stated they have ignored PVP in SoD and that theyre basically not doing anything about it. literal trash.

lol blizzard started sod as an experiment. everyone knew that coming in. It was a poop show waiting to happen but it was too crazy not to be a part of it. Are classes busted? Is PvP busted? Yeah absolutely. It certainly sucks to be a dps mage in PvP. We’re now healers. But sometimes you just gotta sit back and laugh.

We have already had 2 other classic experiments and they NOW know that when you kill world pvp and give Raid gear a MASSIVE advantage over pvp gear it doesn’t work out very well

If that’s the case, I forget which xpac introduced resilience, but why was it hated so much? It basically made PvP gear good for PvP and PvE gear best for PvE?

Genuine question. I mean, resilience to me made total sense.

I think Resilience is fine if it’s scaled appropriately. I think two of the most populated PvP xpacs were MoP and WoD (by populated I mean casual BG population, these xpacs were very easy easy to gear in even casually and that went a long way towards casual participation). MoP had PvP Power on top of PvP Resilience. WoD had very little content and Ashran handed out honor gear very fast to get people’s alts geared up for PvE. I won’t speak on ladder activity during any expansion, though I’m almost certain arena popularity was at its peak during TBC and Wrath and then has been slowly falling off over the years (outside of what I call “Edge case expansions” where PvE bis comes from PvP which none of the PvEr’s are ever happy about).

MoP classic is going to be an absolutely unplayable clown show because I can almost GUARANTEE, that blizzard will launch MoP with the 5.4 baseline resilience of 77% (everyone has atleast this much before PvP gear). So nobody will be able to die and especially not Second Wind warrior.

The real issues with applying resilience to Vanilla are, which version of it do you use (TBC chance to be crit reduction, WoTLK damage taken and chance to be crit reduction, Cata+ damage taken reduction), how it affects classes like warriors who have a feedback loop of more damage=more rage=more damage etc, and the feels issue that a lot of people have. The feels issue being, when I press button I want button to do the same damage everywhere. Instead of having to guess at how much damage it’s going to do to someone every time I get in a fight.

they lost many people who wanted to pvp bc it was so bursty and scuffed

If resilience worked to make you non crittable in PvE as well it would make sense from a lore perspective.

All Npcs and players are both living beings achieving things and growing to new heights in a basic world building scenario what separates the two is people control players

So some invisible stat or rule that from a physical perspective makes one’s damage stronger or weaker compared to one group versus the other when there is inherently no difference between the two that doesnt break the 4th wall doesnt make sense

6 part PVP set should be take 10% reduced damage in PVP and deal 10% more damage in PVP.

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Wut? Seriously tho. Wut?


Deal 10% more damage in PvP

Take 10% less damage in PVP

That’s a PVP offensive and defensive set bonus. Dual set bonus

So in a duel or 1v1 pvp where both players have 6 piece, describe what this does…

They cancel each other out. You think just 10% damage is better? Na this makes pvp gear better than PVE gear for PVP. It gives PVP players an advantage: if you face someone without the 6 set. You take 10% reduced damage and deal 10% more. If both players have 6 set it cancels each other out who cares.

I have repeatedly said what is better. Give class specific pvp skills on the gear.