Regrettably so…and thus why I am here instead of there.
This game has too much personality to walk away from easily. thats for sure.
Man, I miss when trolls were fun.
perma blocked.
thanks for proving the OPs case for us
Totally. I have left numerous times to try new things and eventually come back, because let’s face it, there just isn’t a permanent WoW replacement with as much nostalgia that this game has in my heart.
Certainly no game Ive played has had the atmosphere and personality of WoW.
The races alone are enough to prefer WoW over any other game Ive played.
Toss in nearly two decades of content to screw around in and tons of stuff to farm and yeah…its gonna draw you back in sooner or later.
And this is why btags on forums to reduce ‘sockpuppeting’ shouldn’t be allowed,
Coz of good people like you that are dealing with grief and loss.
absolutely agree.
They put btags here and someone has no choice but to post an an alt because of some sensitive issue and rest assured they’ll be stalked and harassed endlessly on every other posting character they have.
we have conclusive proof of the behavior right here in this thread.
This thread has run its course.
see you in two weeks when the traders outpost resets
Sounds like a smart decision. Go find something that doesn’t invite negativity or stress. If wow does that for you and you’re walking away from it. Good for you. Wish you the best.
and there they go again PROVING the case for the OP. lmao
You allow this to happen by letting THEM define ‘trolling’ as being anything they want to dogpile on lol.
Well its good that you move on. However a little advice seek the Lord with all of your heart and lean not on your on understanding. In all your ways acknowledge Him and he will direct you on the right path you should be on. Believe in God’s son Jesus and you will have an abundant everlasting life. Peace to you sister.
Id delete to be honest. "star…"someone will be here shortly with her guildies to flag bomb your post into oblivion if you leave it
Their little guild here runs this forum. Moderation allows it. They let them false flag anything they dont like and moderation goes along with the joke ‘trolling’ accusations even if it has nothing to do with trolling lmao.
Why the yelling? If you have an issue with a post, flag it. If one of your posts got flagged, then wait and see if it gets unflagged.
But you know what would help your “false flaggers” argument? B-tags on these forums. It would limit the number of flags players get.
Actually, player’s don’t get a say in the options that are provided for flagging. Those are up to Blizzard. I’m going to guess that you’re yelling because one of your own posts got flagged, which literally means nothing unless Blizz decides to take action.
How in the world did they do that unless you posted personal information (ie your name)?
Your name should be Can’t Cope not Cope!
OP - 10
Rate the /uninstall above you!
I /uninstalled evrything blizzard after the continued incompetence with every game, beta, content update, zone with heavy activities, that I see across every game.
Scroll up. Already answered.
Blizz should pin this comment so all these drama queens can just DM him/her instead of making diary entries in the general forum.
OP didn’t quit, he just deleted his unplayed character. lol
Nah, he’s a reason why we actually need them. This guy isn’t a victim. He talked horrible to people here at times. Don’t treat people like and they usually won’t treat you like