Quitting the game for good

Posting these “I’m quitting” threads is a honeypot for trolls and bullies. Hopefully you knew that, and aren’t just trying to beckon more attention…

If this is true, I wish you well. Taking a step back from a video game is probably for the best.

Fully uninstall the game if you really mean it.

Toughen up. Dont post your personal dislikes about WoW. People would disagree with your opinion especially when you complain on some trivial stuffs.

Be neutral as much as possible. Million players are enjoying this game. If you attack their favorite game, expect them to attack back. And be ready for it. To avoid confrontation, just be neutral. WoW is not a bad game.

So true. When i messed up while learning mistweaver i would get kicked and told things that repeating here would get me banned.
Messing up as a white mage got me advice and support.

Exactly. The messed up part is the laziness from moderation encourages those kinds of people cause they know there won’t be repercussions.

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I will never understand how people let cyber bullying get to them. Yeah, I have empathy but no sympathy for paying attention to it. And yeah, I was bullied up until my Soph year in HS. There was no internet so it was face to face. Women bully women much differently than boys on boys - it’s nastier. I put an end to it that year and it only cost me 8 days suspension, a month of being grounded and sore knuckles. Looking back I should have just ignored it and that is on me.

You’re taking it too personally. You have to just post your part and move on, stop worrying about disagreements or coming back to look at them if it irks you.

I play this character a lot, not one person ever messaged me lol The only time I met a frequent forum poster was once and they were fun to play with. Lot of forum posters are different over the forums and are much nicer in-game. I dunno! Maybe you had a strange, unique encounter, I have no idea.

FFXIV has an environment that allows for that to happen. WoW really doesn’t, because of how competitive almost every facet of the game is. And that’s okay. I play WoW for that content. It’s rather difficult to take someone by the hand and mentor them when there’s a timer ticking in your keystone or your hours-long allocated raid session is underway and you expect a baseline level of research and skill for anyone attempting such content.

Different strokes. Not necessarily for different folks. I play both for different reasons.

True but normal difficulty levelling dungeons are for learning. People shouldn’t join them with pugs if they dont wanna deal with someone learning a class.

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Best of luck in your future endeavours.

[ :wave:t2:'s in main]

Leveling dungeons were a blast during Legion.
Soon after BFA started I noticed player behavior was going to trash. It wasnt new players causing the problems, but know it all sorts from higher content coming down to grace us all when their presence.
SLs just seemed to get worse.
This ‘community’ doesnt give two squats about incoming new players learning the game…but they WILL scream and toss fits about it when newer players then dont know how to play their class right. lol.


Change your name immediately…

Experience i had recently. I was tanking Nokhud Offensive. This overgeared rogue helping his friend kept running ahead and pulling everything. I politely said “hey can you let the tank pull please?” He spent the rest of the dungeon insulting me and everything else. His priest friend just kept spamming “we’re the best! We’re the best!”
They also tried kicking me multiple times but thankfully i queued with a friend as well so they weren’t successful.


funny part is you’ll be called a liar or thin skinned in here by the same sort who behave that way in game. lol


Sounds like a need a sort of mental reset OP. Based of what you said and what people have said in response.
Wishing you the best.

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Based off the context I have seen, you took disagreements too personally.

Thats true but when I see someone posting on a level 55 to 59 classic DK, I expect him to be trolling because my experiences with engaging into these individuals or seeing how the act here in Retail general discussion.

I have been told by a level 55 dk that WoW is more pay to win than Diablo Immortal and told me to stop being in denial about WoW not being pay to win. (The reason I’m in “denial” of it is because you really can’t get a significant advantage in the game.)

The same level 55 dk also said in the anti btag thread that there will be bad faith actors out in force and will abuse battle tags if it were to be implemented and then refuses to elaborate on how can it be abused.

Saw 2 classic 55-59 dks attacked someone’s armory.

Its very hard for me to take level 55-59 dks seriously because 99% they are just trolling, I dont really care what you post on in all honesty but if its a level 55-59 classic DK than I wont take it seriously.

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I quit this game every xpac at least for a bit when it becomes stale to me. Sometimes I come back later in the xpac, sometimes I don’t. So far zero wah wah quitting posts. You sucky babies should stop being so dramatic.

(post deleted by author)

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Peace out!

Can i have your gold/mats?

I mean… you don’t HAVE to post deeply personal stuff on here.

The amount of people that use the WoW forum as a diary is kinda nuts.

It’s much healther and better just to talk to people IRL about your problems, that’ll actually make you feel better.

Randoms online/strangers are basically the worst people to go to for this kinda of stuff, and the reactions are kinda expected, tbh.

Far less popular and fun though!

cool. victim blaming.
A fellow gamer…a fellow human being…comes here thinking their gonna be treated as such and not only have their case proven, but then we’re gonna blame them for being harassed and talking about it. lol

Im guessing they are sorry for coming here expecting to talk to rational, compassionate human beings
They could have contacted me first and I could have told them not to bother