Quitting the game for good

buh bye , cya on a Tuesday

Now I get to compliment your dracthyr. Very lovely.

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I’m sorry for your death of your husband. I hope you find peace whether you continue to play or not.

Based on some replies, I wonder if people actually bothered to read the OP thread or if they’re really just a jackass.

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There is a reason he is set to private and hides his activity.

What a complete waste of time this thread turned out to be…

If you’re going to quit, just leave - drop everything and don’t make a big deal out of it, trying to draw attention and sympathy…

your shoulders are about to set your horns on fire.

Two and a half hours later…

This guy never follows through on anything.
Says he mutes threads, but keeps right on posting in them.
Says he ignores players, but keeps right on arguing with them.


Awe ty :dracthyr_love_animated:

I try lol

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Well, this is my main. Anyone who wants to bug me in game is welcome to come try.

Still, I’m sorry you feel you’ve been bullied so much you can’t enjoy the game any more. I’m even more sorry about your husband and your health issues. I very much wish you the best, and I hope you can find some peace and happiness.

I think most of them saw the title and skimmed a line or two.

I’m sorry for everything you’re going through. I hope you have brighter days ahead.