Quitting FFXIV! Game Unplayable

lol that sounds horrible.

In this thread: People who don’t understand irony.

It’s been awhile, but I do remember FFXIV setup being a pain. You end up going to like 3 different websites with at least 2 different logins and passwords and it just doesn’t make a lot of sense – assuming it hasn’t changed much since last time I looked.

I don’t believe the one-time password is a requirement though. It’s like the Authenticator stuff for WoW.

The story gets better and rotations speed up due to gaining oGCD abilities and in some cases other passives – all kind of starting toward the end of the base game’s content – which is still a lot.

But, ultimately? What you’re describing here is what questing in FFXIV -is-. You spend about 90% of your time running around listening or reading to dialogue, then you get a 45 second combat break to kill some random trivial world mob a quest spawns in, then you’re back at the dialogue for another 45 minutes until you hit a dungeon or solo instance that takes 10 minutes or something.

It… drags on and on, and it works the same way for endgame patch content.

If you’re invested in the story… this is great! You get a ton of it! If you just want to get to, you know, the game part of the game… it’s a total disaster.

I guess the alternative is a bunch of fetch quests and “kill 6 boars”, but, man, maybe a middle ground?

OTP is an option, just like WoW, and using Google Auth is pretty par for the course. It’s not difficult nor is it 28 steps. Squeenix is terrible with their websites, but all this talk about the one time password in this thread is stupid. That’s the part that works fine.

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interesting, myself and every single person i know or met has breezed through every single part of this process that challenged you so

would say you qualify as the less than 1% of players having any difficulty with it

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Chances of your account being lost is high.

I had a FFXIV account 6 or so years ago. I was loving the game, but I had an old pc at the time. They did an update which caused graphical errors to my game. They were pretty bad and annoying so I quit.

Years later I got a new gaming pc and decided I wanted to try FFXIV again. I had lost my login information, but I did remember my character name, level, server and a lot of other information. I called Square Enix. Quite honestly the guy was a jerk. Maybe I got unlucky and got a bad customer service rep, can’t say. But regardless, he wasn’t helpful at all. He was completely unwilling to help me out even though I had tons of information that could verify me and my account. That account is just lost without anyway to now get it back.

On the other hand, people complain about Blizzard a lot on here, but so far, I have always had a great customer service experience with Blizzard over the phone. Back during TBC when I had quit the game I got hacked. I didn’t know until a year or two later when I decided to try the game again. When I realized I had been hacked I was so upset I decided to just start fresh on a new account instead of going through the hassle of trying to get my account back.

Fast forward probably ten years and I had an issue with the game. While I was on the phone with customer support with Blizzard I asked out of curiosity about my old Vanilla account and if there was any way to get it back. I gave him all the information I remembered about the account and he found it. He saw I had been hacked. He asked me questions to verify it was my account, etc.

So an account that had been hacked over 10 years ago Blizzard helped me get it back. Not only that, the customer service representative even gave me a free week to try my old account again.

Massive difference between my experiences with Blizzard and Square Enix, that’s for sure.

I have been playing FFXIV some lately though because I bought the game and expansions about a year ago through Steam when they had it on sale at a huge discount. It can be annoying to just even figure out how to even get into the game, I agree with that.

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You don’t need a one-time password if you don’t want one. It’s simply their term for the authenticator. If you haven’t set it up, you can just leave that field blank.

Pfft. Setting up a stereo in the 1980s was super easy. Now setting up a VCR… that was a killer.


Setup wasn’t hard.

OTP isn’t used unless you have their authenticator.

I had 0 problems getting set up so I’m not sure what y’all got going on.

This is what confused me. Never seen a login screen where there is a space for a onetime password (and no indication that it’s optional on that screen) where you can just leave it blank and login.

I prefer On The Edge lately. Warrior if Light theme. Was written by Spoken in the hospital with cancer and still turned out to be kicking.

Just posting in this amazing boomer thread.



all ive gathered is that basic internet instructions are too hard for the average wow player

go to their reddit.

despite your complaining, the game is amazing

Made it in. Beautiful game. Not impressed so far with the story but I believe it’ll get better.

WoW does a much better job of letting you start playing the game off the bat.

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youre 100 percent correct.

the first 50 levels and base game are EXTREMELY mediocre and thats being kind. youre gonna dislike it, or be whatever about it.

once you hit lvl 51+ and get to heavensward its AMAZING. AMAZING. I promise you

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It literally says (Optional) next to it.

It does not.

this one was love at first sight