you do understand i am implying the current hype trend NOT ff14’s success; correct? please don’t put words into my mouth; i can speak for myself. AND don’t give me that bs that ff14 has been hyped prior NOT to this level it hasn’t
It most likely is though, FF has had a steady playerbase for 9 years, Nothing crazy, it never really took off like WoW did and most games peak early in their life cycles not 9 years later etc etc.
I Could be wrong though
I think its just WoW is so crap and has been for awhile that players are over it and want something different and FF is different.
The positive thing i would take away from this it that there are people out there who want to play MMORPGS and its not just nostalgia or attachment to a game that they may have played for a long time.
He skipped the story then complained about the lore being bad.
He skipped to end-game while not knowing how to actually play the character he skipped, and then didn’t read his tooltips, not understand how the rotation of the Dragoon even played (While whining he was losing his time limited buff you can actively keep going while playing the game correctly), and then whines about gameplay.
He would constantly refuse to learn how boss mechanics works, repeatedly would stand or charge into aoes on the ground, die, and then whine about everyone being bad or the raid fights not being good.
He didn’t even try the pvp and then complains there is none.
He made the absolute most generic looking character, as if he didn’t customize anything or even try, and whines about lack of character customization.
Tries to say that FF doesn’t have RPG options and then goes back to WoW (…lol?)
Calls something a “weeb aesthetic” when that word has been so devolved it means nothing.
It would be like someone reviewing the entirety of Breaking Bad after having watched like 5 episodes of Season 1. A worthless opinion that should be disregarded.
However I will say that video of him constantly failing obvious mechanics that the game increasingly teaches you how to avoid (Since boss mechanic markers are consistent throughout the game as you progress) – because he skipped learning that by jumping to max – is really funny.
Although I will say I have no idea who this guy is, and still don’t, and only learned about it because of how much everyone was dunking on his stupid take on Twitter.
I am more of a Hardee’s man.
I’m only here because my subscription hasn’t run out, so I’m doing everything I can to have at least some form of intelligent engagement, and give feedback where I can give it before I leave.
And then people like you show up, who make it significantly harder to do that because you’d rather be inflammatory instead of insightful.
It sure was.
It’s not for everyone. It’s a good game but not made for every type of player. Especially those coming from end-game obsessed WoW.
The fun part about this is the fact that many of WoW-cinematics are extremely anime as well. Sylvanas versus Bolvar or Sylvanas versus Tyrande. Or Varian killing a fel reaver. Or our own character using a literal kame-hame-ha to defeat N’zoth.
Exactly lol.
Current WoW is the absolute most anime bs than it ever has been.
Don’t forget the necklace lazer Thrall used on Deathwing.
Yeah I feel ya on that. I enjoy 14 and wow, and both have upsides and downsides. Sometimes it seems like there are more 14 posts here than on a dedicated ff forum
D3 and POE players don’t seem like the right fit for mmorpgs like FFXIV. Just a guess.
Depends on his goals too. If streaming is his job and his viewers don’t like slower paced combat, he shouldn’t be into it.
Finally, with D4 probably coming out late next year or early 2023, no Diablo streamer should be getting on Blizzard’s bad side unless they have Asmongold-like posses. lol
A genuine question (from one panda to another ^^).
Are you really enjoying wow atm? I mean… I’ve loved my time here but the past 2 expansions haven’t felt great (IMO o course). You feel differently, I guess?
Asking because I’m wondering atm why people are staying so loyal to the franchise. If you’re a mythic raider there’s stuff to do; but if you’re more casual all that’s on offer is Anima grinding which… doesn’t feel worth returning for.
Genuinely curious and not trying to troll!
He’s a troll.
Are you really enjoying wow atm?
Yes, I do enjoy WoW. It also helps that I enjoy the people I play with. If I didn’t play with people I enjoyed then I’d quit. I’ll also quit the moment I am not having fun, just as I have done in the past. I’d find something else to do with my time that I enjoyed.
If you’re a mythic raider there’s stuff to do
I’m not. I only 100% get aotc and raid heroic, after that my team may get a few bosses on mythic but we’re not mythic raiders.
He’s a troll.
People seem to say that a lot when someone has a different opinion than they do. Thanks for letting me know that though, random forum guy.
The hype?
Nothing actually happened to be hyped about. No new content came out, there was no patch, no expansion, not even any real news came out since so many people switched.
You know what did happen? 9.1 came out and casual people hated it. Lore fans hated it. Returning people found a thousand grinds they didn’t want to do.
You act like some hype moment happened that drew people to FF14 when in actuality it was WoW being garbage lol.
Endwalker was already slated for a 160-180% increase in preorders from the last expansion before Asmongold and his ilk even entered the scene.
Also Quinn is a joke lol. He’s so cringey he’s already become a meme about his headass take about this game. Nothing says serious hardcore player like getting to level 18, boosting an entirely different class he hasn’t played, not reading the tool tips, doing less damage than healers an tanks, then blaming everybody else for his bad performance.
What a master player.
Oh hey, I found out what happened and why Quin quit lmfao.
That video is hilarious
though it feels like them ripping on him for Skipping ARR (which folks say the game gets better past it)
though I find it funny how they’re doing the same tactic seen here: Bashing player feedback because they “played incorrectly”
People from both sides of the argument are bashing this Quinyin fellow because he did what many people strongly advise not to do when trying out FF14 for the first time. Boosting. The reason for this is, yes, the game does get increasingly better as you go along but in this game if you boost up like he did you run into the exact same issues he had. Sure you could call it Playing the game the way he wants but… skipping the story and then trying to critique it… sorry, people will come down hard on that.
He had no firm grasp or idea what was going on within the story he critiqued on, which is unfortunate because as stated many times in these debates it’s a story driven game. And He had no clue what he was doing with his own character or in the content or boss fights he participated in. Which, if you continued to gradually progress through the game without boosting, you learn how to look out for these things as you go.
As to why nobody in his chat advised him not to do this…? I dont really know if they did or not.
I’ve seen you and a few others have this idea that You can’t criticize anything in FFXIV or, People seem to turn a blind eye to it’s issues. I want to express my take on this without verbal attacks, the same kind of attacks you’ve noticed yourself or have witnessed targeted at others.
This idea you have isn’t true. There are plenty of things you can fairly critique FF14. For example, if you were to say you think the housing system is a broken and unfair system, or the PvP is lackluster, anyone with a right mind will agree with you. The problem is where people make criticisms that are borderline unfair, untrue, or few of which looking at the tree and not the whole forest.
As for the fellow in the video, I gave it a couple watches, I dont condone the way in which the people he’s addressed have decided to approach him with his views and takes on the game.
He’s very, very, very opinionated. Which is fine, however, that’s what he’s said has come off to me. Just opinions, and plenty I disagree with, just without verbal attacks or insults. Main issue I have with his take is judging from the video as he pointed out, he’s still in the early stages, he hasn’t even touched the tip of the ice-burg of what the game offers.
Yes I know, it’s the same tired excuse, “He hasn’t reached endgame,” Or, “It gets better later on.” I understand his view on those comments… But you just cant simply judge an entire MMO off of the few first levels or even the first 30 some levels of the game. It’s annoying, frustrating to many even but thats been the case for many MMOs. However, he’s entitled to his opinions, just dont be surprised when said opinions are debated heavily by others with their own. I dont condone the vicious methods others use but thats nowhere near to what the whole community is like. Saying so would be generalizing. (Not implying that you are.)
He also seems to purposefully focus on the very specific mindless trash talkers for entertainment purposes anyway. The first guy he’s railing into has made dozens of contradictory and brain dead comments on his videos for a long time. Anyone would call that guy a simple troll.
Given trolls are everywhere, even on the forums.
I lasted a total of 52 seconds on that vid.
I sincerely hope he finds a community of like minded individuals.