Quinyin is ditching FFXIV, says he doesnt understand the hype!

I lasted even less than that.

He reminds me of heelvsbabyface. Tryin to be as obnoxious as possible to cater to the small group of toxic people who exist just to hate wank over something.

It’s not even clever, if it was clever I could at least give him that.


The funny thing is tough that people DID advise him to not boost. He put a poll up after doing the first level 18 dungeon saying should he boost or continue to level. And I believe it was something along the lines of 65% of people said do not boost.

And he did so anyway.

sounds like there’s more to the story

There isn’t.

He did literally the first dungeon, Sastasha, whined that the final boss didn’t have a ton of mechanics, and then asked his chat if he should boost. He did a poll, and 64% said do not boost and he said he was boosting anyway to “test out the raids and dungeons.”

If you’d like to find some actual evidence of more context than the video of him saying and doing exactly what I said here, feel free. However I doubt you will, you seem to be here just to spout BS about FF14 because a lot of former WoW content creators are excited for it.

So you found the one guy who was so disingenuous about his attempt to try the game that even other WoW players and even his friend had to eventually agree with the point people were making (Although still upset people were clowning on him) in regards to his nonsense to prop up as the sole example of why the game is overhyped.

The absolute height of dishonesty.

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Eh, me thinks someone is just butthurt that “that weeb game” has been getting MUCH more positive feedback than their furry game. Posting that some dude nobody’s ever heard of stopped playing and went back to what they were playing, which just happens to be a COMPLETELY different genre, and that means the game sucks, well, that’s really grasping at straws if I’ve ever saw it… And yes, I have.

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Hold up, so this guy got to level ~18 and boosted his very first job? And people care about his opinion?


Only the WoW purists who needed to find someone they could prop up as an, “See, they tried the game and hated it and came back to WoW!” example.

Reminds me of the anti-vaxxers who find the 1 doctor who says vaccines are bad so they ignore the 99.99% of the rest who say otherwise, and prop them up as an authority.


Oh a streamer did something, let me ditch something I enjoy. I base my opinions purely on what streamers do.

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