Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!

The kettle’s on!

seems like I’ll probably miss it this time around, but how long do you usually host for?

It varies depending on stamina - anywhere from 10:30 til the cows come home.

Quite an interesting night last night! Several amusing firsts.

Next Sunday is our mid-evening excursion from the teahouse to the Wanderers Festival. We’re aiming to go to the earlier ceremony this time around so hopefully more people can stick around than just the night owls.

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Saturday: Shadowforge Craft Fest. Kunbo will be there with some foods you can carry around as you enjoy the fest. Yak Ring & Yak Shoe want your lucky-dos: bring a gray item with an IC story. The luckier it is (strong smelly in Grummle jargon) the better the green or blue they will offer for it.

Sunday: Teahouse in Sri-La opening the doors at 7 PM as usual. Excursion to Wanderer’s Festival at 8:30.


Shadowforge Craft Fest tonight inside Blackrock Mountain at 6PM server time, and teahouse tomorrow at 7PM in Sri-La! :partying_face:

apologies to everyone about my absence last night. Too hectic a rl had me tired & needing an early night.

Will be bustling to get food ready at the Teahouse tonight as expected. :slight_smile:

Teahouse will open in about 15 minutes. ( wee bit early).

Keep in mind - tonight we are going to the early Wanderer’s Festival. Leaving Sri-La at about 8:30.

I had a wonderful time as always! See you guys at the next one next Sunday at 7PM server time at Sri-La in Jade Forest!

My “best moment” was watching wary Pandaren and a timid Mantid negotiate having a good time together at the Wanderers’ Festival - our weekly celebration of moving beyond the Mists of our cultural blinders and embracing the strangely disturbing people in the rest of the world.

How does one get to Sri-La without being high leveled?

It is not difficult but it does require help from at least one other person. Most commonly there are two steps to it:

  1. Have a mage port you to the Shrine (of your faction) in the Vale of Eternal Blossoms.
  2. Have someone taxi you (use a flying mount that takes a passenger) - either the mage or someone else.

If you don’t know a mage getting a port from someone else is fairly easy. Ask in a major city’s trade or general chat for a mage to port you. Offering a tip in gold usually gets a quicker response.

You can park the character ahead of time at Sri-La. Anywhere within the village is safe for lower level characters. After the event you can just hearth away. Or, if you have an alternative way to get home, such as the cloaks …

Hearthstones can be set to the Sri-La inn - even by lower level characters. There is also a flight path between Sri-La & the Shrine. So if you can use that flight path you could set your hearthstone to the Shrine. There is a permanent portal between the Shrine & the faction capital.

i am able to assist people on either faction with both steps - but only prior to half an hour before the event starts. After that i will be too busy setting up the event to do so or to ask around for someone else to assist you.


Bump for the upcoming teahouse event this Sunday (26th) at 7PM server time! As always, leave your weapons on the rack at the door, and come on in for some tasty food, delicious tea, and great fellowship!

i’d like to extend a special invitation to everyone testing the waters of RP. Our core regulars are supportive & willing to invest time in helping those new to RP, trying to learn the ropes or experimenting with a different approach to their characters.

Any player willing to contribute to an amiable atmosphere is welcome. All types of characters (race/faction/personal background) are welcome.

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will start a bit early tonight - 6:45.

first time visiting? bringing a first-timer with you? review the info in the OP on IC ambience. The “No fighting, no biting” box is in the middle.

Another fun night. Observing the interactions from behind the counter gives me hope for the future of RP.

Considering two options for the alternative location in August:

  • a caravanserai in Kun-Lai
  • Either the Grand Bazaar or Boralus, with the other in the following month.
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I’m so torn between the possible alternative locations!

One warning for Boralus: I’ve heard that BFA zones will have sharding until Shadowlands, so sharding may pose an issue for Boralus until the launch of Shadowlands.

I think the reason we had complications in the Darkmoon Faire was because it may be considered a current content zone by the game, which is impacted by sharding even on roleplay servers. Old content zones for the most part should pose no issue, though! As long as the zone is not too close to the 8.3 areas.

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Good advice. i’ll hold off on those two for the moment then. At least until we figure out some way to test them.

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Quick reminder: teahouse in Sri-La Sunday night.

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I’m looking forward to tomorrow afternoon even if I might be running a little late!

See everybody there!