Quilen & Cloud Teahouse Open In Sri-La!

If you haven’t been in a while - this is the Sunday to come.

If you’ve been thinking about visiting the teahouse but haven’t made it yet, this is the Sunday for an extra special meal.

Will be there today!

I’m planning to make the announcement sometime around 4:45 - 5 PM, whenever people have gathered.

For those who can’t make it til later: you should still come by to enjoy the merriment and the special menu. Deluxe version of the Four Celestials Soup, and - in a break with tradition - a small amount of four winds soju & pandaren plum wine will be served. Enough for a toast (hint, hint).

Should be a very happy teahouse today, with Lunar Festival & Love is in the Air on the horizon. Join us for tea, treats, and talk. :slight_smile:

Occasionally someone misses us. We have no set end time & the rule of thumb has been to bank the fires down & blow out the lamps when he last guest leaves. Last night that happened earlier than usual. I stuck around for about half an hour but no one else dropped by. If ever you know you’ll be coming by but not til later, you can leave me a message here or ingame. I’ll do my best to stick around. :slight_smile:

I was looking back over the early writings about the teahouse.* Seems our third anniversary is coming up! We opened the doors in Mistfall during Lunar Festival 2018. Maybe we’ll have to do something special to celebrate.

  • https://bronzetalons.wordpress.com/2018/08/10/the-teahouse-is-brewing-ic/
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A bit of OOC/IC (on another character) mashup for this post …

Hey RPers - Gramps here. (Kunbo’s Grandad) Good news …

It’s a busy busy month but we just can’t let the teahouse’s Third Anniversary go by without celebrating.

Lucky you - multiple chances to celebrate!

Back to the roots:
Feb 13th:
We’re planning to dust off the old portable tea stall and go to the Lunar Festival hosted by Silver Circle. See their thread for details on the Festival itself.

Then on Sunday …

Feb 14th :
:partying_face: :tada: SPECIAL Teahouse Location & Time -

Pre-Wedding :panda_face: :heartpulse: :panda_face: party at Turtle Beach 6 PM

Note the later start time. Two reasons for that. Many people already have plans for the 14th. With a later start time there’s a chance for people to come hang out afterwards. And it let’s us keep up our stamina until the Wanderer’s Festival at 9 PM server.

Wait a minute - what’s this about a wedding ?!

There are just too many IC friends, acquaintances, business partners, etc. for us to track down and sort out IC names vs ingame character names vs players with multiple characters, etc. And we don’t want to leave anyone out just because we couldn’t get them a directly mailed invitation in time.

Monday February 15th at 4 PM (WrA time)
It’s the big day.
:panda_face: :heartpulse: :panda_face:
Everyone (yep everyone in our whole RP community with any tiny bit of a minimal IC excuse for knowing about it) is invited to come help Kunbo & Ingheti celebrate their wedding. And bring friend(s) with them.

In keeping with the traditions of Kunbo’s home village, after a short ceremony open to all at a special spot in the Jade Forest, you’re all expected back to Ingheti & Kunbo’s home in the Valley of Four Winds for some great home-cooking by the bride and groom. BYOB - and don’t forget the firecrackers & banter, a traditional way to send the bride & groom off on their honeymoon !!

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IC invitation:


Maps & pictures of locations


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Kunbo’s putting a lot of love in his culinary creations these days. Great time to come back to the teahouse if you haven’t been in a while, or come for the first time and find out what you’ve been missing.

Last two days of Darkmoon Faire - remember to grab some inky black potions for that great nightime ambience at the teahouse, the beach, and the party following the wedding.

Lunar Fair has started - get some firecrackers - gonna toss them instead of rice at the wedding. :smiley: And if you’re not sure what to wear to a Pandaren wedding, the Festival outfits are very suitable (pun intended).

Teahouse at regular time and place today.

Remember - next week later opening ( 6 PM) and meet at Turtle Beach rather than teahouse.

Last night was a ton of fun! Thanks everyone for an unusually interesting teahouse. Hope to see many of you - if not all of you - at the wedding.

Reminder - this coming Sunday we’re not at the teahouse. We’ll be at Turtle Beach from about 6 PM on for the Wanderer’s Festival

Today: Tea Cart at the Lunar Festival in Moonglade

Sunday: Turtle Beach bonfire from 6 PM on. Wanderer’s Festival at 9 PM.

Monday: Ingheti & Kunbo’s Wedding celebration.

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Apologies to all : just having one of those low energy days. Teahouse/Beach trip tonight is cancelled. Need to conserve my strength for the Wedding tomorrow.

Everyone is invited.

Wedding Info

Today’s the day. Extra-special versions of some teahouse delicacies are ready and waiting. BYOB.

Presence not presents.

Thank you everyone who gave us the pleasure of their presence at the wedding yesterday. And we want all of those who weren’t there because of the power outages or other rl problems know that we understand.

I’m looking forward to the inevitable teasing - about whatever might have happened after the party - when we see everyone at the teahouse on Sunday.

The teahouse is back to the usual time & place - Sri-La, Sunday, 4 PM. Come join us for cha, chews and chat.

Closing early. Seems everyone is still recovering from this week’s chaos.

Teahouse today - 4 PM Sri-La.

“Spring forward Fall back” goes the old saying. Even when clocks change automatically, our bodies don’t. Teahouse is still at 4 PM server time.