WoW Race Courtship Research! Head-canons needed!

I think there will be a lot of headcanons about Orcs being brutalistic pitchers of woo, but I think we’ve seen ample evidence that Orcs are actually rather sentimental. They frequently make items or perform feats for their intended. Some of the gifts can be a little macabre, but Orcs appreciate the effort.


Void elf tendies wiggle when somebody is interested. They cannot control this.


"How do Bob-ombs reproduce?

Answer: A mixture of gunpowder and love."

Old question that was asked of Nintendo in the N64 days, but I think it can be repurposed for goblins.


vulpera: they like to jump on trampolines and snow piles together.

serious suggestion not spurred by cute fox videos: practical gifts are common. vulpera love gifts they can use. it’s a sign of thoughtfulness in their culture, and is sometimes a romantic gesture.


Forsaken threaten to blight each other for a while, and then suddenly make out, probably


Come to Ingheti & Kunbo’s wedding on the 15th. Be glad to share about courtship at the celebration afterwards.

This post & the next have the details.

They won’t be the only Pandaren couple there in long-term romantic relationships, either. :wink: We do it on the basis that headcanon traditions are from the family or village level, so you’re likely to get a variety of answers to your questions.


I would pay you a hundred dollars to never call them that ever again.

As for the topic, I’d headcanon that forging something in the smiths with each other would be a very important ‘officiating’ step in many Dwarf relationships, with the item they forge together being the equivalent of an engagement ring.


Maybe I’m just enough of a hopeless romantic but I’d do all of that but it IS engagement rings at the end. Dwarves do appreciate some quality craftsmanship in all things after all.


I still believe Blood Elves use mana tap in ~romance, even if the ability was removed.

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my headcanon is that there is a lot of marrying up in Zandalari society, but often not because of material wealth.

Considering that Zul’dazar is a city of gold, I imagine the luster of gifts like this are diminished given how present gold, jewels and silk are in Zandalari society. As such, the value is placed elsewhere. Women end up taking their partners from the middle castes like warrior and rogue since they’re often in the position to be achieving great deeds compared to nobles in the back. Zandalari Men of the higher castes are a tad bit more predictable, but needing to maintain their image, typically choose their partners from the scholar/arcanist castes since they would have more to prove than the upper castes and are in a similar position to those I mentioned in the sentence before.


While not a headcanon, but supported by lore, orcs have a pre-mating/life mate ritual of the Courtship hunt. This is a symbolic hunt that two orc go on, that is basically asking their hand in mateship, to test their compatiablity with each other if they can work together as a team and hunt down a beast together. Could be anything from talbuk to clefthoof and so forth. It would be something they’d have to do together, and if the hunt was successful, and they felt closer and right…they could…proceed to “other things” after the hunt.

But, they can choose to have their mateship overseen by a shaman, I believe. I’ve actually not been able to remember where I saw this. But Thrall and Aggra’s wedding is proof that a formal ritual between two orcs can be done. And it clearly it means something to Aggra, as she came from Garadar on Outland, who would probably still be practicing a lot of traditions.

But to orcs, strength and confidence is beauty. Skill and the ability to hold your own. Durotan saw this in Draka, and they are the best example of an orcish couple fulfilling the ritual of the hunt.

There was a small tidbit in Rise of the Horde that I think age had something to do with it to, but what that was I don’t remember and if its still canon or not I do not know.


These are really awesome! Some have literally caused me to “awwe” out loud! I am really enjoying these and cannot wait to implement them for the class!

Please keep them coming! I still have some more races to cover! Like gnomes, for instance. Are there differences between Gnomes and Mechagnomes with these customs? Or Forsaken- for those that believe in love after life, how has undeath changed your courtship practices?

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You could literally give your heart to someone! Provided you still had it when you were raised, of course.



Often is the case, when I cast my eye on someone, I will tend to ask for it back.

Then that leads to …

“Oh nice wound you have there was it a cleave?”
“Very open sore’y”

A lot of time playing “Name that wound”

Then there is the period where we stand gazing at each other breath held in anticipation? (Uh no as lungs do not function)

Then more gazing…

And more…

Then subtle finger twitch…

Then more gazing…

Then She will often look around quickly to make sure she did not hear something…

Then more gazing…

More finger twitches…

More looking around…

Then we will ask

“What do you require”

And often reminded to be quick about our business, this aint some seedy back alley pick up joint…

Its very romantic as one can see.



Addendum to this: for Vulpera, trade is a central part of their culture. But unlike Goblins who prioritize getting the best deal, Vulpera value equilibrium above all else when making an exchange. Two items might not be of equal value, but ideally, the goal is to maximize utility on both ends- trading something you don’t need for something you do, and that the other party will get more use out of whatever you are giving up.

But one of the biggest romantic gestures in Vulpera culture is to trade your most valued possession for nothing, with the unspoken implication that the one offering it isn’t literally giving it away, but instead, is symbolically putting the other Vulpera’s survival above their own. And if those feelings are reciprocated, both of them agree to share the gift as a sign of their bond, like a more utilitarian wedding ring.


To expand upon this, not only do they wiggle, but our skin pigment takes on a decidedly magenta hue to the point from a distance we appear to be very frail looking Night Elves.

In short - Void Elves are terrible at hiding obvious interest in another party.


We blush purple.


I headcanon Shaldorei courtship as being incredibly strict. I’ve said it before, but I picture Suramar as a kind of warped Victorian Era. My justification is based on their long lifespans, allowing for a slower courtship process, and the entirety of the population being concentrated into a city center. I imagine it doesn’t take long for anything violating traditional norms to get around, especially with the cutthroat nature of politics in Elisandre’s court. A scandal could topple a dynasty, and everyone is using magic to look for dirt on a rival.

A young suitor cannot make the first move at a function unless first introduced to their prospective partner by the host/hostess. Couples are not permitted alone without a chaperone or some combination of magical wards and scrying to keep an eye on them. Romantic gestures are very guarded and more to do with demonstrating one’s talents, ability, or affluence. A suitor has to be thoroughly vetted before they’re publicly declared as such. Being seen with a weaker house, or a house with conflicting loyalties and alliances could be disastrous.

Now that Shaldorei have left the city, maybe there’s even a kind of romantic revolution to finally free themselves of these restrictions.

Gnomes exchange novelty gadgets and trinkets. It might even be a coy game to take apart a suitor’s gift and give feedback. They may even disassemble the piece for scrap and create something new. Similar to floriography, there is a language to the gadgets and you’ll know where you stand depending on what is returned to you. While it isn’t openly talked about, everyone is taking apart gifts given to them and evaluating the skill level involved. Sloppy gearwork? Best believe her girlfriends are hearing about it. I also headcanon forums as huge part of Gnomish culture. Inviting your intended to a debate is typically a good way to size them up.


I immediately pictured a nouveau rich Dwarf presenting a commissioned piece of art to their intended, being as they’re not a smith themselves, and this causing rumblings amongst the recipient’s family.

Traditional families definitely have an idea of true Dwarveness and look down on any suitor who can’t fit their criteria.