Quilen & Cloud Teahouse [Non-aligned RP]

7 PM

@ all Pandaren: ask Kunbo about an event in August that may be of special interest to you. The rest have to wait for a post by another group that I will link to here when it is up. :stuck_out_tongue:

Teahouse opening in about an hour & a half from now. :slight_smile:

Thank you very much to who everyone who came by the teahouse last night.

August Dates:

11th - just after Dark Moon Fair. Stock up on inky black potions. This will be the week of our excursion to Wanderer’s Festival.

25th - No special theme. Other than bring someone new.

Dates for some rl annual family events are still being negotiated.

If it’s necessary to put up a “gone fishing” sign on the teahouse door I’ll give you guys as much advance notice as possible.

I forgot that I did not have this event on repeat… but I have the two dates on the calendar now. Good luck with them, the 11th sounds like fun. :cow2:

Lindewe - these would be hard to put on repeat. The Sundays chosen vary depending on WoW microholidays, other important rp events, & rl commitments.

Unfortunately the “gone fishing” sign is hung up. Both teahouses this month are cancelled. OOC = rl family get togethers. IC = Kunbo will be returning in September with a very a wild yet true tale about a very unusual sea voyage.

PS: if Brightmoon Faire ever makes a trip to Pandaria to perform maybe we can make arrangements for a tea stall concession ?

I love fishing. I hope Kunbo has fun. I will take them down from the calendar.

BMF doesn’t usually make it our to Pandaria, but maybe we can make an exception this fall and work together? I think that would be fun.

Kunbo is back in Mistfall. The locals have seen him supervising the delivery of quite a few crates to the teahouse. There’s still a whiff of the sea about his fur, and a bit of sun-bleaching. A sign is posted on the teahouse door announcing it’s open again for the Fall.

Currently Planned Teahouse Dates

October 13
this is the day after the Gnome charity run. Get the secret password from Noggletoggle on your Gnome character at the run, to whisper OOC at the teahouse & get an IC treat.

Oct 20
Wanderers’ Festival excursion (leave Mistfall half hour before Festival starts)

I hope to have November dates posted as well within the next couple of weeks.

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All you regulars, or new friends looking to attend the teahouse for the first time:

See me - Noggletoggle - on your Gnome at the charity run & get a secret password (OOC) that you can then use on your WrA character at the teahouse for a special IC treat.

Buried somewhere in the depths of the thread is a link to the detailed IC description of the teahouse building & interior. Worth posting the link again for the benefit of our newer friends:


At the start area for the run - the crowd is already building. :wink:

Hope to see many friends both old & new this evening - from 7 PM (server) until … ?

We had a great time last night. Our unusual visitor deserves a special thanks for some very interesting rp that involved many of our regulars. Speaking of old friends - I overheard a few ongoing personal storylines further develop. Some IC discussion of and invitations to upcoming events sponsored by other groups was also happening.

All exactly the sort of thing the teahouse was originally conceived of to foster.

Looking forward to seeing many of you next Sunday as well. :slight_smile:


Thank you for hosting such a welcoming and friendly open RP event! It was a great time, and I’m hoping I’ll be able to make it again next Sunday!

We’re back to the routine of opening the teahouse twice a month, so you’ll have many opportunities.

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reminder - teahouse will be open this Sunday. Kunbo will be attending the Assembly of the White Tiger. Depending on when he gets back to Mistfall the water may be on the boil early.

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Looking forward to seeing all of you from 7 PM til …

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We want all our old friends - especially those who haven’t been in a while - to join us tonight. Help us welcome new ones. And as to new friends …

Extending a special invitation to those attending the Assembly of the White Tiger this afternoon, to anyone seeking wider contacts in the rp community, and those interested in enjoying a bit of Pandaren ambience (some celebration of history as well when we head down to the Wanderers’ Festival).

To re-emphasize: the spirit of the Quilen & Cloud teahouse is that all classes and cultures are welcome who are willing to leave their weapons & the attitudes that accompany them on the rack outside the door.

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well, IC Kunbo is running around the village doing some last minute prep. Ready for RP whenever the first people show up. :slight_smile:

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