Quilen & Cloud Teahouse [Non-aligned RP]

Too shy to step in tonight, but it was so great to see people from the Alliance and Horde talking among one another. And a mantid! How great.

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Next time do step in! There are always some quietly enjoying tea & noms while also enjoying the social circus around them.

The Mantid is quite a nice fellow - even made Kunbo some special kyperite kitchen knives. We also had a Zandalari socializing with Pandaren in the mix. All part of the fun of a weapons-free politics-free haven for the world-weary.


Actually quite curious to how Kunbo will handle this when the Black Empire invasions begin, since N’Zoth’s servants are gonna attack Pandaria.

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A sanctioned terrace where people can sit back, drink some tea, and enjoy the show.


It’s my understanding that the invasion location will change ( much like the invasions in Legion). If there are local “troubles” then the scheduled dates will be adjusted accordingly. If otoh it is temporarily permanent ( you know what I mean) then we will find an alternate location - one of the small taverns elsewhere in Pandaria - with an appropriate IC reason for relocation.

Until we know more (Blizzcon panel?) it is hard to say exactly what IC adjustments will need to be made. Who knows, perhaps the teahouse crowd will finally get curious enough to put some of the clues together I’ve been dropping from the beginning about the other part of Kunbo’s life. Speaking of which, perhaps it’s time to drop a few more.

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My concern now with the Teahouse and Mistfall is that WoWhead is saying that the village is now “back” to being always on fire. Which is a bummer for a pretty solid RP location.

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I don’t know what you read on Wowhead. Mistfall Village is not on fire as of this morning - I’ve been there both on Kunbo ( lvl 111) and another character (120, War Campaign completed).

As I posted above, should circumstances change, adjustments will be made as needed. Nothing else to discuss about it at this point.

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Mistfall Village is permanently inhabited by hostile mogu in the new Vale of Eternal Blossoms, no matter which invasion is active. It’s only occasionally on fire, but it’s always hostile now. However, the new Vale is an entirely different phase when you hit 120, so they might add in a bronze dragon to get back to the pre-120 version where the Vale is still corrupted (but Mistfall is still intact).


Both of you used the key word “now”. As I posted, this has not happened yet. To reiterate - I will find alternatives as needed.

Please don’t derail this thread, which is about a player-sponsored rp activity, not future patches.

November Dates: 10th & 24th - subject to change (in advance) to prevent event conflicts

& for those still concerned about the effect of future post-patch developments on the teahouse: have three potential locations selected & being evaluated for the following criteria (weighted equally): safe accessibility for lower level characters, low enough level of ooc traffic, plausible IC reason for relocation. While there may be some IC hurly-burly ooc the teahouse will continue as always.

Was just pointed out to me today that I had not edited the first post to include the November dates. apologies & corrected now. Hope to see a lot of you on the 10th.

I didn’t specify any themes this month. However …

The teahouse dates this month bracket the Pandaren Summit. There is quite likely to be some pre- & post- buzz of gossip. and the teahouse has built a reputation as a place where curious outsiders can meet Pandaren, or even just sit in the corner and listen to us gab. We do have a rule against discussing divisive topics, but sharing hopes for the future would definitely be on the menu

Tomorrow night !! Expect a couple of changes in the menu - the return of some of the winter teas, an adjustment to the food menu to accomodate our vegetarian / vegan friends, and a new warm, filling, sweet dish.

Can I get some calendar invites please?! I look forward to seeing you all tomorrow night. :slight_smile:

Actual Character Name: Sâjin
Faction: Alliance
IC Character Name: Sajin Lángpaw

I will switch characters so I can do that right now :slight_smile:

EDIT: event made & invite sent.

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ICly: Working on the menu scroll. Looking at what teas & foodstuffs are in stock. Wondering what friends - all guests are friends - will drop by. Hoping the teahouse will be busy enough the shy ones can sit in the corners unnoticed if they feel safer that way. Hoping the teahouse is slow enough that it’s possible to be part of the conversations …

OOCly: Working on the menu scroll - thinking about Winter in the Vale & what seems appropriate. Hoping there will be a good mix of old & new friends. Hoping won’t have to remind anyone to use the weapons rack. Hoping there will be enough Pandaren to chat about the Summit & enough other peoples to ask some interesting questions about it …

For those who would like a preview of the menu scroll:

featuring the return of infused milks along with other old favorites & a new sweet warm dish.


I had the event on calendar at wrong time. Remade it & re-sent invite.

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Zhii approves!