Queuing for gamma dungeons as a low geared tank

you werent there. you havent seen it.

Yeah. They’re trying to ‘fix’ something that didn’t exist in original Wrath. In the process they’ve empowered trolls by these changes to RDF.

But the reality is they couldn’t be bothered to put RDF back to how it was in Wrath and just left it like the Retail version.

So…laziness or incompetence. Or both.

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It goes both ways. All the clowns who absolutely refuse to give lowered geared people a chance to show they can do it. And all the clowns who insist on going in with the absolute bare minimum allowable.


It’s just particularly noticeably when it’s a tank since they’re much more likely either get smashed hard or not be able to hold agro both of which are real obvious to the group.

That’s why i suggested just queuing dps for a bit and picking up some gear first. I get he wants the instant queues but…

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I 'm not sure that a tank without hit cap and expertise cap could be more than fine to hold aggro.
And i 'm pretty sure he must used tricky to queue for gamma, either using non-spec gear or swap gear to reach the minimum requirement 210 ilvl. A tank with 210 ilvl tank gear should have no less than 4050 GS


People just dont want to sit and die, allowing you to realize what they already know

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Huh? “Bring the player” will always be the mantra of people who’s family trees don’t look like wreaths. GDKP exists. Heat isn’t skill. Ill assume the nearly 90 other comments say the same thing

No the issue is the system in place is flawed. 210 ilvl is way to low to be useful. The real problem is everyone knows that, but wants to play ignorant. And then cry when kicked. JUST BECAUSE YOU CAN DOESNT MEAN YOU SHOULD. You can also run icc right away at 80…but you dont. Why? Because you know better.

210 is fine for everyone but the tank.

But he just wants instant queues so instead of just queueing dps for awhile he’s trying to queue as tank and likely causing issues.

Especially since 90% of the time I play my healer I get in a group with 3 dps who are guildies and hovering around or just below 6k gs (I queue for FoS since it’s 5-10 mins tops and so does everybody else).
They’re the ones who usually kick low gs tanks. And it’s usually anyone under 5k.
Most players just want to speedrun through to get their 5 frost emblems and have zero patience for low-gear tanks.
That’s unfortunately the reality of it.
He’s going to have to gear up via pvp or he’s going to keep getting kicked.

I agree that 3.7k GS is too low to do gamma, but 4.5k tank / healer should be fine.

Youre welcome

It’s not about difficulty, the problem is threat and yes it’s a problem, a 5.5k+ dps will pull threat with auto attack/shot if with a subpar tank, dps have to hold themselves A LOT. It’s so much an issue that even doing Misdisrect doesn’t fix the problem.

y q as a tank with bad gear

go as dps

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Yup, it’s very easy to rip threat as a 6k dps.
On top of affixes like glaciate and web which makes it much harder on the healer if tank can’t keep threat.
Yes, it’s doable at 3.7k or whatever but dps will have to hold back quite a bit for it to work and the dungeon will take twice as long if not longer.
Most people signing up to RDF don’t want that. It’s just the nature of classic players to want to speedrun through everything.

Yep this is one of the problems with tanking and why it’s the least popular role, you aren’t just fighting the mobs you’re fighting your own group. My tank set is 5.8k and i can lose agro if dps don’t play properly, that said i won’t get kicked if i let them die :stuck_out_tongue:

Are people crazy in this thread? It’s extremely easy to hold threat in a gamma considering tanks get a super thorns buff. I’ve done it on my trash druid I barely play.

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I recommend advertising that you want to run some gamma dungeons as a tank. Let anyone who whispers you know your GS and let them decide if they want to join. Most people will for instant queues. Get a party member or full group and queue up.

Run the 3 ICC dungeons, plenty of 232 loot over there.

Just go play classic. The community is a thousand times nicer and the game is more rewarding. Wotlk community destroyed any desire i had to do ICC.