Queuing for gamma dungeons as a low geared tank

A full group of players from Benediction just kicked me before we even pulled 1 trash pack in the first Gamma dungeon I queued for a a new tank I’ve been gearing.

Game gave me the dungeon deserter debuff for 30 mins so now I have to wait 30 mins to queue again this needs to be fixed.

To be fair my gearscore is only 3700 so I understand why I would be kicked but they didn’t even let me try 1 trash pull to see how my tanking was. I did want to see if I was able to start doing Gammas already since the game is allowing me to queue for them.

This is the problem, people just see a low gear score number and just kick you before they even see you do 1 pull.

Also is Benediction the #1 Elitists server? I see my guild complaining about how Benediction is toxic or has bad players but I didn’t really understand until now.


I would have done the same, that’s too low to be tanking. You won’t hold aggro.


Then why does the game allow me to queue if its too low? I’ve been holding aggro just fine.

Also sitting here looking at “You recently deserted a group and may not queue again for: 21mins”

No, I was kicked, I wanted to do the dungeon.

Only issue is my health isn’t 40k unbuffed thats all people care about and at that point the dungeons are too easy when tanking, I think people are just lazy and want 6k geared players or they just kick them because its going to be slower.


Many people agree that the minimum is way too low for the queue but yes mega servers are more prone to replace you and being toxic as far as I know.


I understand getting kicked because I would honestly leave if my gear isn’t cutting it or if I died on a trash pack but I wasn’t even given the chance and now have to wait 30 mins to do another dungeon, thats really my only issue.


this is a fix to a much larger problem.

Benediction is the largest alliance server so it will have the largest sum of toxic players and faux elitists purely due to its population. There’s good benediction players as well of course.

If we broke the realm into several smaller realms you’d still get the same probability of toxic players in LFG, their realm names would just be different.

I would suggest however for the sake of threat and…padding against possible mistakes that you try and milk as much gear as you can from other sources before going into gamma as a tank, get everything from all 3 ICC heroics, get your 232 ToC set for triumph emblems buy crafted items if you have the means to do so.


While that makes sense I’ve already done every dungeon just about on heroic and they are way too easy. The Alpha/Beta dungeon have really split up players queueing and the wait times are longer for those so I figured I’d just try a gamma.


Anywhere the Alliance congregate is bound to have the most elitists, by far.

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  1. yes you’re too low
  2. did they specifically say that or youre just assuming?

Not even 30 seconds in they linked my helmet and then literally said im crazy for queuing at 3700, but im doing a beta dungeon right now and doing just fine, Gamma are actually easier because you get the buff and you don’t get it in alpha or beta

before i even had a chance to respond i saw loading screen and then saw i had “deserter” debuff

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You’re not going to keep threat with 3700 gs… it’s just a fact. As a healer I will tolerate 4.5k gs but anything below that and it’s extremely difficult to keep everyone upright- especially since 90% of the dps I group with are 5k or more.

Gamma is about threat… you’re not going to keep it with dps who are 5k+ gs.

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I’m assuming you put on your highest gs items to be able to queue, and then once in, you swapped to your tank gear that was lower gs. My alt just became eligible to queue for gammas at ~4.1k gs

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This is my Prot Paladin that im trying to gear and haven’t had a threat issue even with 5500 guildies.

My warrrior on the other hand struggles with aggro and its 5300
I can vigilance a 6k warrior and he rips aggro right off me right after a taunt

I have seen a 5k tank not even hold aggro with 6k dps.
3700 will absolutely not do unless people sit on their hands, and nobody wants to slow down for anything. There is only zug zug in LFG.

You can in fact use normal heroic badges on 232/245 gear which should put you at 4.8 to 5k. Or make groups for old raids to steamroll for gear, TOGC is quick.

A low dps is the only role that can get away with being carried. Tank or healer? Too much at stake.

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Just spam other dungeons before doing Gamma. You can get 232+ and roughly 5.2k gs before that, then you should be able to properly do gammas.


I call bs on that. No way you’re keeping aggro with 3.7k. And if you can, you should be strictly running with guildies because they are holding back and letting you tank for them.
I don’t understand why your gs so low… 213 gear sells for less than 100 gps on the AH with some 225 ilvl selling for even less.
There is literally no reason your gs should be under 4k at this point. You make 100gps doing the gamma daily ffs and that’s like a couple of 213 gear right there.

Not trying to sound harsh. But youre way too low. Idk why it lets you que for it. And i dont think you should get deserter for that.

But i would vote for kick too. Not on the entrance, but after pulling trash and tanking an entire pack for you with one whirlwind. You wouldnt be able to hold agrro against anything above 5.4 which is standart now, not even with vigil. (Been there and seen warrs struggle with more than 1k gs than you have). You saying i hold aggro just fine would be possible either in low geared group or with hunter MD or tricks.
Its not an a-hole think to do after you have to tank as dps an entire dungeon…its unbeliveably anoying for me as dps and for healers aswell.

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I’m more annoyed as a healer because as a dps I hold back if the tank is struggling to keep aggro.
Not all dps care and just go all out. Usually means a one-shot death and of course the healer gets blamed.

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