Queuing for gamma dungeons as a low geared tank

I was for RDF, but I’m not for getting kicked before even pulling 1 trash pack and having a 30 minute debuff that doesn’t let you queue

The problem is the players not RDF. I’m sure I could have done this dungeon it just would’ve been a lot more work for the healer, so its easier to kick a low geared tank and wait for a 5k+ one.

But all this said I shouldn’t be punished for trying to run content that I might be a little bit under geared for, this was literally my first attempt at a gamma and I was just curious if I could actually do it but wasn’t even given the chance.

ToC normal/ICC normals are easy and spamable.

The group decided they didn’t want to be part of your experiment.

PS heroics only need 535 def. 540 is raids.


100% sure I could’ve tanked this. Just do heroics they say, then you get that one group that has no clue what to do on final boss in Oculus

The healer mighta wanted to keep you so he can pump some heals, but the dps would probably all wanna kick you because they’d have to tiptoe around threat and can’t have their fun, which is to blast indiscriminately

They shouldn’t even let you sign up for gamma below 4,500. Their requirement is stupidly low, frustrating everyone.

Because Blizzard doesn’t play their own game nor understand players.

I took three healers starting at about ~4k GS through gammas, with tanks of various levels, including sub-4K. The only wipes were from garbage DPS who didn’t kill Mirror Images, because Gammas are tuned for Naxx gear. He will 100% be fine to hold aggro, it’s about being aggressive and pushing in the dungeon and not stopping for a lunch break every two pulls.

I so rarely had to hardcast on the Priest or Druid, that it actually caught me off guard when I did.


Sadly people just don’t have any patience for people these days, it’s Retail culture and it’s infested Classic. Back in the day people would be ok with this and would happily take it easy and help guide you through, these days it’s kick galore if your GS is subpar.

Just like how people in real life have become more impatient and selfish, so have people in WoW.

They were tested with 200ilvl and people were completing them. It itsnt too low.


there’s a reason it’s called progression - you don’t hit level 80 and instantly go to the latest content. you work your way there.


I can’t completely agree with you.
He may be fine, if those dps 're patient enough to waiting for him to build up threat and turn on display aggro percentages, or have someone helping his threat by MD / ToT. Otherwise he 'll have a big issue keeping threat on trash (especially if he 's not Prot Pal).
Anyway, i’m agree with you that ~4.2k GS for tank / heal is enough for doing gamma without any doubt (but not if the whole group are all 4.2k GS, because lack of dps can make things worse)

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Yea it’s annoying for sure. It’s why we needed RDF because players have this elitist toxic standards that are way to high for doing content. So anyone under 4700 they probably consider very low.

This is annoying. There really should be no deserter for this and insta kicking shouldn’t be a thing. No dungeon should allow kicking for 5 mins or something. Players should work it out.

With that said I’d start doing some WG every 3 hours get honor and buy some 264 off pieces. Also with WG marks you can grab some 251 shoulders and decent gear. I started Tanking with 0 Defense. Yes 0. I just had on decent PvP gear. This prevented me from being kicked and they didn’t realize till mid dungeon or latter and didn’t care.

This is the simple fix and in your control. You could do it in 1-2 days. Also weekend Call to Arms is coming so can grab a bunch of honor be full geared. Maybe even dabble in Arena get some pts for weapons etc.

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PVP gear are not so bad for fresh 80 tank. It provide a lot of armor and stamina, and high resilient also prevents to be critical hit. It surely far better than blue 187 ilvl gear or even some 200 ilvl gear.


Just checked, my guildie tank alt is at 4.5k gs (~ 218 ilvl gear) which a bit above minimum requirement. He barely reaches def cap, hit rating cap and expertise soft cap (for dungs). So i think at 3.7k GS, he 's nowhere near hit cap and expertise cap, with a low dps weapon will surely lead to threat issue.


Wernt you the one clamoring for me to go to gammas yet here you are gatekeeping again

So basically out gear the content lol

As healer it’s either the tank or the dps that make the dungeons a slog… and usually it’s a dps sitting on mechanics that should be avoided because “my dps numbers metter” or a tank that gets too overconfident and causes a wipe…

I probably wouldnt have replaced you but I would rely on the dps to make the dungeon less painful for everyone. I hope you’re enchanted and with at least blue gems OP… good luck…


I don’t remember ever interacting with you at all but okay.

People not knowing what to do in Oculus spans all the way from Regular to Gamma. It’s not exclusive lol

This is not a fix, this is the game screwing you with the trolls and elities that plague this game

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They don’t have to be patient. As long as he’s decent, and aggressive, he’ll be more than fine.