Queuing for gamma dungeons as a low geared tank

You are on the wrong line of thinking here, you are not trying to get pre-bis for Naxx boss fights.
You are gearing up to tank RDF gammas. You need threat, and you need it fast.

Yes, you want mitigation tank gear generally.
…but if you can replace a 187ilvl tank piece with a higher ilvl dps piece, do it.

Your def cap is not all that important in 5 mans.

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Id say wait till your at least 4200 to tank gammas

Thats REALLY low for a gamma especially as a tank, blizz really should up the requirement to 4.2-4.4 min equivalent, thats still low but managable.

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Just my thoughts, 3700 seems a tad low. If the group was willing to go slow and steady it would not be too bad but most folks (at least at this stage) are wanting to run and be done.

There should be an increase to the minimum Ilvl to join Gamma dungeons. The current minimum sets up too many lower GS people to fail when it really shouldn’t.

4.4 or 4.5k gs and whatever the associated Ilvl for that is would be a good increase.

It doesn’t prevent people from being able to do Gamma, but it also creates more of a cushion for lower geared players so they aren’t being thrown into the proverbial fire by being under geared for gamma runs.

Yep, this is about where you sit after buying all the triumph badge gear that you can (running reg heroics) including trading down for some conquest 232’s, and maybe a few high level pvp pieces.

It’s where I feel comfortable queuing gammas no matter the role.


Been gearing a warrior that recently hit 80 and am realizing this more and more. The badge accumulation from even normal heroics is generally pretty quick and those initial Ilvl bumps from the 232 gear and the 245 vendor stuff is pretty big. Doesn’t take super long at all to get to 4.5 ish and ball out in gamma’s.

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Honestly if I see a tank below 4k gs, I’ll click yes on the kick, but I’m not gonna initiate it. Now if a dps is lower on the ilevel side, I care a lot less, the tank and healer need to be high enough to be able to hold aggro/keep up heals, as long as it’s not ALL of the dps, or heck, if it’s like Nexus/VH/Occulus, the low gs dps get to be on mirror duty.

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Heck, they can probably also just get carried in the ICC 5 man dungeons to gear up enough, but yeah, doesn’t take super long to get set up.

Also your character looks like they’d be my character’s dad.

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Honestly just doing them on normal or heroic is going to yield upgrades.

I am you, from the future, which I need to warn you about.

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Yep going from 4k to 5k+ in gammas as dps is quite quick. Sure there’s some queue time, which is probably what the op is trying to avoid, but it’s hardly that bad and then you’ll be fine to tank with no questions asked.

Awwww heck, I have a future?

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Somewhat, it’s not awful for most of it. watchout for 2045 though, not a great time for anyone.

Personally, I don’t care if someone is super undergeared and I queue gammas on multiple healers/dps 6-6.5k. So long as you’re using your abilities - taunt, stun, etc I pay extra attention as a healer or slower as a dps.

I can understand why people don’t want to deal with it though. There’s a huge difference between undergeared character that has no clue what they’re doing and someone who has threat tables and their appropriate taunts/stuns on the ready. Not sure if this has been suggested, but making a party macro along the lines of “Hey everyone, this is a new character so if you could give me a few extra seconds to gather threat it would be appreciated.” I think most people after reading some acknowledgement of your gear and your strategy to overcome it to have a smooth run would go a long way.

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As usual, another problem which cause is about 5 feet in front of the computer.

5200 gs hpally and 4900 gs resto shaman together can’t heal that in gammas. Just queue for lower tier of heroics (beta or alpha) until you actually get geared (not difficult, my pally’s prot set is 4.6k gs even with some naxx10 gear).

The minimum for gamma dungeons is too low for classic players because they haven’t bound interupt and don’t use any of their utility or pay any attention to mechanics and play out of their spellbook. So you need 5k+ gear score to zug through content that rewards 4k gear score items.

It’s honestly just disrespectful to others to queue gammas at 3700 gs especially as a tank. Youre thinking about this from your perspective but if you think of the other 4 people in your group, youre asking them to carry you and at 3700 gs there is a whole list of items you could buy or craft to put in some effort to improve your gear first…

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Well, it’s been a week… should be pretty close to 5k gs by now (assuming you play casually).
By now you should have zero issue finding a group.

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