Queuing for gamma dungeons as a low geared tank

Tank is the most problematic at lower gear levels, just queue dps for a bit to gear up your tank set.

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This is my 3rd tank and I’m defense capped and I said I understood getting kicked I was so upset with getting deserter when I didn’t leave I was kicked.

Maybe its just my realm but the prices were kinda high last time I checked even for 213s

Tgats the anying part for the dps. In order for 3.7 tank to hold agro you would have to wait like 20-30% hp of each pack to be taken down just by the tank. Which makes the run ten times longer…so its either do that or replace tank.

Ppl realy underestimate how quickly you get aggro as geared dps with low tanks…especialy on classes that have offtank specs like furx ret or dks.

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Or just buy cheap tank gear on the AH and fill out some slots with pvp gear.
3.7k gs is like, a fresh 80 wearing greens and blues.

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I’m not though, I was wearing full tempered set from blacksmithing and bought a couple 225s on auction house and was around 3300 at that point, sitting around 3850 now. It’s weird tho because that blue set gives so much defense I’m actually upgrading my gear and my defense just dropped below 540, it was 545 with full tempered/few pieces of daunting from blacksmithing

I’ve checked AH and the only upgrades on there are the 245s and 264 which are too expensive for me so its back to the grind, heroics are faster yes but they are so boring, I just did a beta AN

Agreed… plate class dps can usually survive a hit or two but clothies are almost always one-shotted when they get threat.
They have to be skilled to avoid instant death and with RDF that’s… quite a big gamble to assume you have dps who know what they’re doing.
If I want to go full out, I have to use soulshatter on my lock if the tank is under 5k. Which means I can only ever go full blast on bosses.

Maybe phase 1 was so long ago that I’m misremembering… could have sworn full Pre-Naxx gear was 4k which included craft and faction gear (all 200 ilvl). Maybe I’m remembering Naxx BiS.
In any rate, gamma dungeons are vastly more difficult than Naxx (even HM Naxx).
You really need to gear up a little more before trying RDF gammas.

chest is tempered 167 ilvl
legs daunting 187 ilvl
boots tempered 167 ilvl

last 3 pieces i need to get to 200+

i do have 2 set bonus from hands + shoulders the 232s and just got 225 helm from AN beta, got 219 belt and weapon today from FoS normal

but my defense fell to 536 so that is a problem

Okay. To dissect this for you then. Because your ability to survive is not the issue, your lack of threat is.

Tempered helm has 61 Strength.
T9 helm at 232 has 120 Strength.
60% of your Strength is added to spell power.
No strength + spell power, no threat.

I would argue to even dance below defense cap, as healers are plenty geared to handle you taking a big hit here and there. Your dps are not built for taking the hits when you fail to tank.

Yeah that’s really pushing it. Baseline heroics drop 200.
Do the progression or buy crafted. 245 chest, 232/264 boots are available.

Oh, thought you were talking about the epic crafted which are 200 ilvl… those shouldn’t be too expensive in the AH but I haven’t checked lately.

just a lack of supply right now i cant seem to find them, i did find boots but they are literally 700g thats alot for a 200 ilvl item i’ll replace soon

wow… yeah… way more than they are worth. Ask one of your guildies to craft you some of those… the mats are very cheap. There’s no cap on titansteel anymore (used to be one per day) so those are overpriced now. Just get a miner guildie to convert titanium bars to those and you should be good.

I’m not sure what the issue is. People are allowed to kick you from their groups.

the issue is getting deserter for 30 mins when you didnt desert the group

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So should the debuff be renamed to “kicked from group” or something to that effect?

Buy the Pvp shoulder enchant for 10k honor, gives you 15 resil which will put you on the crit cap.

please go away


Oh, I’m in agreement with you there… I don’t think getting kicked should implement deserter- that should be only if you leave willingly.


He doesn’t, ever. Best to mute.

While not ideal, wearing actual PvP items could be a quick fix for you, and free.
Resilience is still crit immunity (it just lacks mitigation) and PvP gear has lots of stam.

238 chest and legs from A52 Netherstorm should cost about 6k each.
245 boots from Stormwind will cost 20k.

Why? That would solve your issue. Your argument is the debuff name is inaccurate because you didn’t desert the group. Changing the name of the debuff would solve that.