Queue syncing is cheating, and should be reported when seen

No, Ickulus is just straight up lying. There’s no chance his premade group is starting every match going against 40-players, especially not once the team realizes they’re facing a premade.


Well, hello there, Celinthia.

So nice to make your aquaintance.

I look forward to having many productive and engaging conversations with you in the future.


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Thats is true. Ashran is only 35.

Oh, I know. I’m just pointing out that he doesn’t care about the game. Hence why those of us that do care are the “bad guys” to guys like him. Notice how he won’t do anything but troll to my replies. He’s just a man child that hates those that destroy his excuses.


I’m pretty sure there’s a group of people who join premade communities because they enjoy the confrontations and being antagonistic. Ick is one of those guys


Idk I think we got an answer when they made it so you couldn’t queue as a raid for BGs anymore. You use to be able to at one point. Why would they change it otherwise? In SoD they allowed full raids to queue for bgs in phase 1 (WSG) and they had to kill that too because it was so awful for a lot of the players do BGs. Made is so you had to join a premade or just get rolled over.


Playing the rules lawyer wont help your argument.

Blizzard has banned people for way less.

It’s not some jailhouse lawyer nonsense like you think. You can only que in a max 5 man group. The rest of it, however…you guys think it would be so easy for them to control or fix, but how exactly is Blizzard supposed to know what 5 man groups are trying to sync together at any given time? Especially considering this is all done in voice in discord. How would they stop that even if they wanted to? How could they know??

Lets hope they care enough to figure it out.

It helps that people like you keep these posts alive and show your true colours.


On the one hand, it’s not our job to figure that out, it’s Blizzard’s.

On the other it’d be very easy to simply turn off party queuing for PVP- premade groups shouldn’t interact with pugs and it’s wild that this has to be explained to anyone- and to programmatically assign values to every player that reduces their queue weight if someone else is already assigned to a specific BG.

Statistically impossible win spreads are hard to miss.

And Queue Syncing is frequently indistinguishable from win trading.

You can hope in one hand…

Ok, then you have 40 people hitting join que button at the same time. What now??

There is no way for Blizz to stop this.

I think a pretty easy way to do it would be to look at how often a player drops a queue.

I’m sure the worst queue synch offenders are outliers when it comes to that statistic.

Maybe, I had to go #2 mid que and dropped. Maybe I ate some bad chili earlier that day and, welp, lets just say I had to drop que several times.

Maybe I’m a new parent and the kid keeps waking up from their nap and I keep dropping que.

Maybe there was a knock at the front door, or I got a call.

Maybe…anything. I can make a million excuses as to why I dropped a que.

How would they know? And more importantly how could they ever distiguish what was deliberate vs. not deliberate without causing collateral damage by banning or suspending the wrong person for the wrong reason.

You guys live in fantasy land if you think they could ever “fix” this.

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Forget the cheating aspect for a second, how do you continue to have fun after such a long time? You may be the longest running queue sync person in the world because of your involvement with Hydra 10 years ago. 10 + years of meaningless games, foregone conclusion wins, and then the dodging of competition throughout the years. The majority of games against a half rostered team because pugs are leaving in droves. How can this possibly be something that brings you back night after night for a decade?


That’s why I wrote, “worst queue synch offenders are outliers”.

Here’s a dictionary definition for “outlier”: a person or thing differing from all other members of a particular group or set

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Bad chili, bro…it was bad chili.

I understand every response you give is a method of coping, but it’s starting to get old.


Because it’s the only way these people can feel like they are good.


yea, I mean the hunter in this thread so desperately defending syncing is a hard stuck challenger that needs 39 people to cover down on his play. This is quite the ego boost for him… Just read his comments. he’s loving this. You guys should stop wasting your time with him.


He’s been working on a reply for a while now you might have upset him lol