This isn’t a loophole, it’s cheating. Blizzard may not enforce it, but I’ll still report it when I see it.
I’d report as well if you could just tell me how I would know they are using an exploit.
Also… It took 3 years to fix the xp off exploit. So ye have little faith the stiff sacks in the complaints department will do anything.
You aren’t supposed to be able to queue for BGs with a full raid group but they’re purposefully cheating to get around this.
Unfortunately, the 1000s of threads on this have done nothing to move anyone with authority to clearly answer or set standards. That said, the answers that have been given are, “There is nothing wrong with people doing Count Downs to sync”, however, they are unable to queue with larger than 5 players groups per the design implemented.
That said, there was an addon that was exposed and bypassed this design. Did they do anything to those who used it? Who knows
And while I may agree for just Epic BGs (I think 5 man is fine in the Random BGs) that there should be restrictions, until we get a legit answer from the company, not much more we can do other than suffer and move to BGB after getting the honor gear.
This is gonna be good.
POPCORN , GET YER POPCOOOORN. Kettle cooked, butter and cheddar cheese varieties.
Exploiting is doing something not intended by the game. Everyone knows that. It’s why blizzard punishes it in pve. The problem is they don’t care about random pvp. They barely care about 3’s.
get farmed noob
7 seperate groups isnt one raid group. even if they sync ques.
math is hard i know.
the que synchers have become emboldened after videos popping up of cheating.
blizz didnt do anything so i guess they will continue their cheating ways with impunity.
its kind of like fighting a foot fungus…sometimes treatment makes it angry.
thats what que synchers are…fungus…hard to stomp out…
Sometimes they let an exploit run rampant for a bigger banwave though too, so here’s hoping.
It’s been a thing since BC. While it’s an exploit, they have clearly allowed it to continue to be a thing. Continued threads like this will hopefully help.
yeah maybe…like trapping a bunch of ants in a jar before opening a can of raid. one can only hope
Blizz said syncing is not cheating. People who say the opposite are incorrect, at best.
Go ahead and report people. I hope you get a ban for wasting the blizz mods’ time.
i really like this thread
Blizz has never said that. People that say the opposite are incorrect.
No but I do recall Blizzard saying it was unsportsmanlike.
Well, unfortunately queue syncing has been a practice since TBC, I don’t see them fixing this anytime soon.
people might have been que synching back in tbc or wrath era…but it was so small it wasn’t worth chasing down. and as i recall there was an addon back then too.
however, with discord entire communities that run 24/7 has really ruined the ebg’s. so it wasn’t a problem back then even though folks might have been doing it…people are cheating en masse now! its time for it to stop an entire format of gameplay is ruined by cheaters
Here you go…problem solved.
how old is that post pal?
how about entire discord communities using addons and manipulating the que system. and you cant just minimalize it. the little que synch cheaters have ruined ebgs for people. garbage players found a garbage way to win.