Hey, I don’t disagree with you, just saying I remember it being a thing back in TBC, and still very prevalent today.
Doesn’t matter how old it is.
It’s the last official word on the subject from Blizz. This is precedent until they state otherwise.
i dont recall que-synching in epic bgs being a thing though. but i do remember guilds que synching in random bgs. and they got caught and they got banned. not really sure why it’s a free-for all in epics
yeah it really does matter how it is pal. because que synch communities that ruin the game play for others has just gotten way to big. you little cheaters are in every ebg.
Nope…age doesn’t matter. Its precedent until they say otherwise.
The US Constitution is 236 years old…you telling me that we can disregard it because its old?? Thats a silly argument.
Blizz can change their policy if they want. It’s their game after all. Until then, go suck a lemon.
haha buddy this aint the usa constitution. you little cheaters have found a way to exploit part of the game. some of you filthy cheaters have a 70-80% win rate.
blizz hasn’t come down with a ban hammer yet…but among real legit pvp players…que synchers are filthy cheaters. the lowest of the low. you dont get to call yourselves pvp players. and thats a fact. blizz will eventually agree that que syncher communities are exploiters. so right now you get a free pass…but just know deep down…you are a bottom feeding wow player.
The question isn’t whether change is coming or not, it’s whether it’ll happen before or after the game mode is already dead. At this rate, probably the latter, sadly.
Yes, what I remembered from that time was que-syncing random BGs, I remember getting smacked in AB so bad and that was the first time I learned about que-syncing. I didn’t know that they got banned, if so I wonder why it’s ok in epics.
Blizz said queuing at the same time as someone else isn’t cheating. This isn’t the same as saying 8 groups of 5 all queueing at the same time is okay.
They do go back to BC and there were some guilds that did it in wrath. Maybe they did it earlier, but I don’t recall seeing many. The problem didn’t explode until last expansion.
Yep. Could argue it’s already dead. Dead in that it’s never going to recover. I have completely given up on doing them and I’m sure most players who understand what’s happening have as well.
Except that’s not “from blizz”, it’s from a forum’s mod. Its weird you guys don’t understand the difference.
Obviously. It was an example of an old thing that was still precedent.
And based on their “old” statement, and lack of any new statements…they probably never will.
Hey, there. You must be new here. Never seen you post before.
I’m Icculus. Nice to meet you.
Hand wringing, nothing more.
This game has supposedly been dying for 20 years now.
Everytime we que, there is always a full group on the other side…so I think we’re good.
I never said the game is dying, just EBG’s. If you have to twist my words to make a point, you don’t have one.
Why troll? I get that you hate when people contradict you, but you could at least be an adult about things.
Game dying is more referring to the dwindling player base. Not that you care at all clearly.
That ship sailed long ago. Now we’ve got grandparents in here arguing in bad faith to defend behavior you’d expect from children. Pretty sad. It’s like these people were never taught the concept of being a good sport.
These carpet stains want the game to die. Hydra use to love to know they were hurting the game. Made their tiny egos flourish. Sept then there wasn’t 4 other iterations of wow pvp to jump to. 5 soon when mop classic comes out.
I stand by my statement
Unfortunately, you are correct. I have been saying for years that if blizzard doesn’t clean up their community it will be the end of them. The game is going downhill, most people can see and understand that much.
Because to you, your experience is the only thing that matters. You don’t actually care about the game, you care about your fragile ego.