It’s a big game, I do other stuff too. I do M+, I raid, etc. S1 didn’t go as well as planned, but that was more of a guild thing than anything else. And there was a big gap from end of WoD early Legion to sometime in SL when I got back into synching up for Epics.
Don’t you do the same thing Monday nights with SPM. I think you can answer this question yourself. Its fun…and even more so with friends.
Years?? We fight other premades almost everynight. BSG was being ostracized by all of the other communities, for reasons. Not gonna relitigate it. And it was a year at most, be real. Thats over now and been so for months. At least it is for DJL. Not speaking for others.
And if you are going all the way back to Hydra…I was just a random dude among many other random dudes. If there was dodging, that was all Zee and Yaga. I’ll be honest, I think a lot of us were naive about them dodging, also, you did what they said or you got kicked TF out, so there was that aspect of it too.
You know what you’re right. I’ve wasted my life. I’m gonna take up building ships in bottles as a new hobby.
Qor used to queue with us . Now he plays with SPM/FAFO or whatever they are calling themselves this week.
Also, for the rest of you reading this, word on the streets is the ones who used to go baaaa are now dodging ISR cause they get their butts beat so bad.
Not accurate. Haven’t joined pre-made in 2025 except for spm twice a month ( other two nights im working ) I used snowcrest as inspiration. Former premader but couldn’t take it anymore . Spm is an anti pre-made small group that won’t dodge anyone and will wargame anyone , not the same as the others
Hey there. It’s anywhere from 10 to 20 ppl who queue alliance alterac valley only on Monday night at 830 est . We hope to get avm , djl or rr ultimately . Our leader Miz is a good strategist and I just follow his calls we do typically have a good dedicated stealth team that is able to split pre-made decently though
Yeah it’s true . It sucks. I feel better myself in knowing I’m only doing this 2 - 3 games a week not 24/7 . We want to wargame the other communities only but they do not . But without fail once a week we see a scout from the other communities come in and drop out in one of these 2 or 3 matches we do a week . Edit : to meso , ruthless , tk , let’s wargame as much as possible and give the epics back to the pugs as it should be
Really glad to read this and thank you. Instead of the typical ‘Screw Pugs & Pugs sucks’ (pardon me ) prideful remarks, I think this is the right attitude that will help push for a better experience for both Pugs and Communities.