Queue Syncing for dummies

You’re correct. They used to allow queing as a raid. Blizz squished that down to a max 5 man group.

The folks who que sync, are all in 5 man groups, they’re just quing at the same time in with other folks in 5 man groups in hopes of getting the same match. This was addressed by Blizz.

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Queueing at the same time as someone else isn’t considered cheating. If they are using other means to do so, that might be

I love when they link it

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… how would it be harder with less people.

If they removed the ability for queue placement to be determined by when you click join, such as by randomizing the timing or adding a small delay before joining, and combined that with cross-faction groups, like in Blitz, it would be much harder for groups to exploit the system and farm pugs for easy wins. It’s not some impossible task to fix, like you want people to believe. It’s very obvious that you’re highly insecure about Blizzard putting a stop to your pug farming.


Let’s set the stage here before I start responding.


Per normal, you cheaters are unable to maintain a positive win/loss record when not doing epics. On your own, you lose more often then not. But magically you get into your 40 man epics and pull out win after win. Truly incredible. :roll_eyes:

Banned for what? For exploiting the game and intentionally ruining the game for other players. For griefing. For dropping games already in progress. For ignoring the ‘social contract’ that we all have to apparently abide by.

Per Blizzards own rules.

anything else that may degrade the gaming experience for other players will receive harsh penalties.

Players like you get your bloated win rates because you stack a side. If you’re no longer able to stack a side, the matches will mostly even out. Assuming you don’t intentionally lose, which if you do, that’s reportable.

Queue times are already awful because players have completely stopped doing epics because of players like you. Removing the premade groups would help improve participation again. Also, if you got rid of horde vs alliance in bgs, queue times would come down significantly.


Intent? There is a policy, it’s just not being enforced. You’re CLEARLY cheating. Even the best players in the game can’t maintain those win rates in randoms. You guys stack your teams to get wins. It’s cheating.


We’ll keep pushing to see you players either get banned for your cheating or having the issue fixed.


I’ve lost AV 303 times??? Unacceptable!

100% win rate on comp stomp tho…

I said what I said. I’m not gonna relitigate my points over and over.

All you need to know that is that Blizzard isn’t on you side on this subject and probably never will be.

But by all means keep posting on the forums, they love seeing all the engagement.

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…and let me just add WGAF about win rates??

I like playing organized large scale PvP with friends…sorry we win a lot. Get gud and so forth.

76% win rate. Cheating.

Blizzard is on the side of the cheaters? Don’t think so.

You obviously do.

I have joined some of these communities and guilds just to understand what’s happening. 90% of you have no idea who anyone is. Your guilds spam chat all the time for members or you even do it in the bgs BEFORE you leave them, which is absolutely hilarious.

You have to be ‘gud’ first. Your solo play shows just how ‘gud’ you are.


TBH I think people should stop playing PVP so blizz can see the numbers drop off. Then maybe they will feel some pressure to do something.

So long as people keep playing the BGs and the numbers seem decent I think blizz will be slow to act.

I love BGs but 99% gave them up ~1 month ago. Quality of game life went up by a lot.


Na, you just enjoy farming pugs as a raid to compensate for your lack of skill otherwise.


Well, they’re not on your side, thats for sure.

Listen, I don’t know what kind of amatuer operations that you have run with (sounds like Ruin), but we don’t spam anything and we all know each other.

Maybe get a clue before you form an opinion

I haven’t run with anyone. I joined a couple communities ages ago just to see what was happening. More or less to counter these stupid arguments “we’re just playing w/ friendz.”

Look, everyone here knows your cheaters. You guys ruin the game and we’ll continue to push for something to be done.


not one post here explaining how to sync ques for dummies

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Can you see it now?

If the party drop, the 2 pugs are left alone against full alliance group.

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I hope you know that epic Que syncing is only a thing cause that bracket is so dead.

And because it requires so many to get a pop so I’d like to see you try that in normals or anywhere else.

But you don’t do any other content then Que sync epics kek.

lol they know each others internet names and their Internet personalities and opinions with their internet avatars and they would have you believe they are very “deeply connected”.

There is nothing “deep” about e-relationships most people on this game in premades or not won’t even tell me their real name even if I tell them mine.

You know like the very first thing most people irl exchange… names? Yeah and some people have been “playing together for 5 years” and still don’t even know that much. They may as well be a stranger.


I’m sorry that you lack the capacity to form friendly relationships with other people, whether they be online or in person. It seems to be a sore point with you whenever it comes up.


I mean, I play with my girlfriend and sometimes her son, but if i’m with the girlfriend, that’s a duo in a random BG or EBG, and if her nine year old is playing with us there is 3 characters playing, but it’s a handicap, not an asset. Briefly did some battlegrounds in the past with guild mates who I’ve met in real life, but never more than five of us, and that might have been five total games in my life that was actually a full party.

My guild mate’s primarily raid and M+.
If I was to sync queue it would not be with people I know in real life, because it takes an amount to ensure that you have enough to have a good chance at being in the same instance. That amount far exceeds who I know in real life that play.

The problem is that it was intended to have a hard set for healers, 8, which is roughly 1 per 5. Just like in raids as you mentioned while the premade continually plays with 10 to 12 healers. Massive inbalance. You’re also being disingenuous here, we both know they’re not going “1 2 3 queue” anymore. They’re using addons. This is easily found in the mountain of youtube videos and addons on curse forge. It has to be addressed soon or PvP will be a desert.