Queue Syncing for dummies

First 3 random BGs were full oceanic realm enemy teams, won 0 BGs but averaged 5th in dps…during NA prime time. So I’m wondering, are 0 horde from NA playing or…

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BG week + New Season + Bloodstones = $$$


I think by this point its fair to say that Blizz has no idea how to counter this problem.

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Easiest is to make random\epics BG’s cross faction. Like Blitz. Party of 5 Can end on any side.
Couple that with a increasing deserter for dropping queues. Ez Pz.


They could if they could be bothered, but they don’t because they can’t be bothered.


In addition to your ideas, which are very necessary to be implemented, they could also fill three instances minimum at the same time for both modes, moving players that seem to be queuing at the same moment for the same mode into three different instances, and notifying players for the instance that’s ready 5-15 fifteen seconds apart. It would be very difficult to figure out who is where before they accepted the queue, or just not request permission to put somebody in the instance they already requested and just do it automatically, the chances of having people arrive afk would be equal for both sides. Then it’s a numbers game, if the queue sync communities can get enough members to queue up at the same time, they could still keep filling three instances, but due to your excellent suggestion of crossfaction, which side of the map they end up on is still random.

I don’t understand how you know they were premades (and do you mean they queue synced 2 groups in)? Honestly curious as I’m very unfamiliar with regular BG premades.

Also, a certain forum fox says premades are matched vs. each other in regular BGs.


If you want to know how it’s done, I’m sure somebody will tell you or you can watch this youtube video on it https://youtu.be/oLE1dhNTFqw?si=iTWHkhbQAUR79ic-)
Why people believe it’s being done may include but is not limited to, they’ve seen youtube videos of those players saying they do it as they want to showcase how efficiently they can farm pugs for honor levels, or even how their presence can scare an opponent queue sync team into failing to join after they sent in a scout to see who the enemies are.

You may see a match while using Battlegroundsenemies where a team has more than 5 players targeting the same player and nuking them, then swapping to another target in unison and killing them in the blink of an eye. This repeats until most of your team wont resurrect. This target calling on coms with a raid group is more effective in random bgs than RBGs, as the team being slaughtered is not as organized, and works great for EBGs. When you play with the same people for weeks or months or years, you can get the synergy down where by stacking cool downs, and knowing who is going to cc what and when… cross CC can be flawlessly timed and objectives taken seemingly effortlessly.

Typically, in response to a belief that a particular team, all from the same realm group, who are working together like seal team 6 are queue syncers, oftentimes people label the victims as just bad players. There has been literal hundreds of threads talking about queue syncing, and in every single one, you will find queue syncers defending the practice, so it is happening.

Queue Syncing doesnt ensure you are matched against queue syncers. But the game should be trying to match groups of 2-5 players Vs groups of 2-5 players. Solo players can get put against or with a partial queue syncing team.

For me, I experienced this when I queued for an epic battleground and was told “the plan”. I went to a location that was not the location of the leader’s plan, and found myself being teleported out of the instance, because I was kicked from the EBG not more than 30 seconds after the gates went up. Some queue syncers dont tolerate insubordination and they feel entitled to remove players that go off script. I thought I paid for my subscription and had some choice of what to do with it, but I guess not.

Also, my girlfriend has in the past, queue synced with a queue sync community for EBGs. So she’s given me firsthand information.


day one already complaining.
why dont you find another hobby if this one isn’t making you happy.

got beat by oce players i probably wouldn’t have posted about it.
ja ja ja

If that was directed at me, I am probably just a couple of games away from setting a blaze to any remaining decency I have and queue syncing myself. It’s becoming such a problem that you’re really putting yourself at a big disadvantage by not queuing with a community.

Queue syncing is almost entirely an epic battleground thing. If you tried to do this in regular randoms you’d waste all night trying.

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Get Rekt

– love OCE players


There are tons of simple solutions that would fix it. They could just start with banning people. They suspend players all the time for saying naughty words, but exploiting the game for decades? Nope. They ask the good and decent players to care, todo their part, then Blizzard fails to uphold their side of the bargain.

Easy Fixes:

  • Ban the people doing it. Start with the GMs and the problem would be mostly solved.
  • Randomize teams. No more horde and alliance and would ensure both sides are balanced.
  • Limit the amount of groups that can join a single bg. If it’s a 40 man epic, only allow 2 groups of 5 into any single bg. For bgs under 15? Limit them to only one group of 5. These premades work by jamming 8 groups of 5 into a single bg, so this is extremely easy fix.
  • Punish players for excessively leaving bgs. These premades constantly drop queues or drop games that are already going to stack. Players that constantly leave queues should be flagged and banned.
  • Force queue diversity. If 8 groups queue up at the same time, force them into different bgs and NOT just the next one available.

There are lots of other ways this could be address, but all of the above ways are fairly light weight and wouldn’t impact the solo player or even just small groups. Blizzard has chosen not to do anything and it’s a slap in the face to everyone who has brought this problem up constantly over the last decade.


There are some groups that do it, but they are selecting specific bgs to queue. Definitely much, much more limited, but I have seen a few of them.

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I take issue with the word “problem”, but the rest I agree with and have been saying this forever.

There is no way to stop que synching. We are at an impass. Accept it or move on.

There is NO way to police when folks on coms coordinate when they press the “join” button. They can’t do it. It can’t be done.

To all the folks who insist that they can fix it…You’re living on planet delusional.

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If you scroll up a little bit, there’s several suggestions that would make queue syncing nearly impossible.

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This is incorrect. Im not sure how long you have played, but before Arenas were on the scene, this was an issue and Blizz squashed it asap. I dont know changed since then, but either Blizz no longer cares, or the new devs have no idea how to handle it.

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Ban for what? Queing within the exact perameters that Blizz has created? 5 man group quing is allowed. Pressing a button at the same time?

Who is that going to stop? The 5 man group would still be in on the same side. So what if it got mixed. We’d still que together. If it got mixed we’d fight each other. You’re still going to get premade groups. And chances are that you will still get 10 or 15 man premades and you would still complain that the poor pugs were getting stomped. Lets not kid ourselves.

Que times would go through the roof, benefiting no one.

Again, you want to ban people for using a mechanism built into the game. There is no policy regarding dropping ques or what is an acceptable number. And even if there was, how would Blizz determine intent? They can’t.

Again, you would increas que times if you spread everyone out. No one is going to wait an hour in que while they delicately sort and spread out 5 man groups.

None of that stuff is gonna happen. Get over it.

Ban for what? Queing within the exact perameters [sic] that Blizz has created?

“Queueing within the exact” is such a weird way to phrase that considering there is no consistent, reliable way to get more than 5 people into the same EBG. This is all cope


Imagine not only exploiting to win in unrated casual PvP but also having the ego to think Blizzard couldn’t fix the exploit if they wanted to, lol.