Queue Syncing for dummies

If you ever throw in the towel on retail. Era and Sod has very active pvp scenes with fast queues. They have catch up mechanics in each, so you will be at a very little disadvantage for a time being.

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Ive played this game since 2004 and the only person who remains that I played with back in the day is 1 person. Everyone else quit. Im currently in the “lets think about the frustration Im paying for” phase now. I might check those out.

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Sounds about where I’m at tbh. I came back from almost a 5 month break in January, tired of blitz for this season already and zero fun to be had in epics that i use to enjoy. game really isn’t worth the 15 these days.

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Painful. Ive only ever really pvp’d. I used to love the system. Rarely pve. But its just causing tears now :rofl:


Haha. Yeah, I only duo with the wife for years. Now I can’t even force her to get on to play without hearing her whining on how WoW sucks. Makes me sad to be solo 98% of the time now recently. I just find myself playing marvels on one monitor and sitting afk in warmode Dornagul collecting an easy 60 conquest every 15mins like right now. Worse time line, this is lol.

The sadist part is they could so easily fix everything if they cared too.

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It does feel like that sometimes. And then there’s nights like tonight where I can’t lose a match. Only logged off cuz I work too much and I need to get some sleep.

You know, don’t act as if you don’t.

Era? I thought it was dead with Anniversary going on. What Era server is popping off?

Which Ion is very delighted about.

No, Epics are becoming dead because of qsync premades and that is the main reason. I left retail because I could not get a decent match in Epics, it was either roll over the other team of pugs, or be in a pug getting rolled over, when I was unlucky enough to be on the premade side I hardly used my abilities, it’s WOW on rails. No enjoyment either side.

Plus the waiting times in Blitz got to the point I was hardly playing the game at all.

I do not pay a sub to have a below par shadow of a game it once was (retail pvp). I now play Classic Anniversary and I’m happier, never thought that would be the case.

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I assure you.

We are doing 1-2-3 Click!

I know a lot of the tinfoil hats refuse to beleive this but it’s true.

Which community says 1, 2, 3, MEOW!
Thats the one my GF was running with until she was kicked from inactivity(which she was fine with).

LOL…I have no idea.

Must be an alliance community.

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This is complete hyperbole.

Que times for epics average 5 min for Horde and the other side fills everytime we enter.

How is that dead?

Yes. Definitely alliance. Queuing with just my GF doesnt take too long for much because we queue for 3 things at a time. But once we are in, if it is a completely one sided match in my favor you hear no complaints out of me. If my team is being stomped into the dirt the whole match then I may look to see the enemies names, guilds, realms ect to conclude if there is evidence to why we accomplished nothing during the match.