Queue sync killed in 11.0.7?

We did the other night in AV. They didn’t say anything and we didn’t say anything. We got stuff done and won.

Blizzard is enabling cross-faction for parties for PvE. That’s likely their main goal.

IMO, the PvP part is an afterthought.

Enabling cross-faction for random bgs teams as a whole would require a lot more work to update the entire matchmaking system.

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But I mean RBGs and Blitz already do it. The framework is there.

Guess we’ll see, but I doubt they did the work necessary to extend cross-faction to random bg teams as a whole.

I wonder if merc mode will be forced on players from the opposite faction.

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Maybe, but to me it’s a no brainer. There always seems to be more faction imbalance when it comes to queues. Enabling it does a few things. Makes queue syncing almost impossible, or at minimum EXTREMELY HARD and reduces queue times possibly by a lot.

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Yeah, I think they should enable cross-faction too. Then they can do more spec balancing, role balancing, and maybe even add a hidden MMR without queue times exploding.

They really need to improve matchmaking so teams are more fair and games are less imbalanced. Random bgs would be a lot more enjoyable.


I’m ready for them to entirely dissolve the factions.

Give me actual horde night elfs and i’ll wear that red tabard till i die, whether it means anything or not

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They’ll lose money from people who faction transfer their toons!

Time to release another store mount!



I know! Thats how blizzard gets the vast majority of the money they get from me T_T

“I’d never buy a 90$ mount” Now give me 5 faction transfers, here’s my debit card

Dang… I didn’t realize it’s $30 per faction change… (Discounts if you get multiple.)


they were on sale last night, I bought 3 for 40$ and brought a few more of my toons to the horde

Speaking of Real money services, They have made the wait time on that take ages, nearly 6 hours for my transfers to be available

If players held out just a little longer until the holidays, Cyber monday, B Friday, Christmans, they always have huge discount sales… I even bet the AH mount will get a discount.

This is just for grouping - not solo.

If anything - premade groups might increase.

It just allows premade ‘‘leaders’’ to play one faction, and include everyone.

Sorry, Ladies - Blizzard sees nothing wrong with premade groups. I tried telling you.

It kinda sounds like your throwing out a cooked theory based on a extremely vague line of text.

You’ll see in 11.0.7

I’ll come back and say ‘‘I told you so’’, because I enjoy doing that.


He right, he right!!! lol

Blizz does turn a Blind eye to alot of shady things in wow… Almost like its sanctioned cheating lol.

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Well that might explain why the pvp side of this game at least has not grown in years.

if they’ve just allowed a group of high rated rmter’s to run around unimpeded doing whatever they want to new people trying to get into it and likely being turned off dramatically by that.

It would be like a natty guy going into a gym with used needles littered across the floor like its pretty clear you are not welcome there as a non user.

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While the upcoming update isn’t what you and many people think it is - it does show their willingness to add more cross faction options.

But once again - this upcoming update, if anything, might lead to an increase in premade groups - since community leaders can now include EVERYONE in the community.

Aside from those who abuse the queue system - this is a small step in the right direction.

Seeing more signs now of massive player participation dropoff…

Last expansion Ruuki made a youtube video about low participation, he was saying Dragonflight is the best expansion every he does not know why players are not queueing. Then if you read the comments below the video tons were saying its because its nothing but multiglads farming players lol. even at low rating.

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They might have some built-in delays in case someone’s account gets hacked and then nefarious stuff happens to their toons.

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