Queue sync killed in 11.0.7?

Well if this cross faction is truly only when grouped, solo players will still use that I would think. Again lots of questions about this for me at least still.

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Nope it doesn’t do cross faction for ungrouped players so it wont make a difference.

Premades are more likely to face off against other premades with this cross faction change.

:surfing_woman: :surfing_man:

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Problem is they dodge, which has caused games to start with one side 20+ players down to start the game and sometimes doesn’t backfill in time or at all afterwards.


That is the problem with que sync but it will lessen with cross faction enabled now.

Truthfully if a game is way below a threshold x number of players it should just shut down in five minutes time.

:surfing_man: :surfing_woman:

I don’t think you know what the word “triggered” means. But no not “triggered” by anything. Just pointing out facts you don’t like. Cope and seethe little buddy.

Cope and seethe are not words a happy person uses

He’s someone that does nothing but troll and attack people. Coping and seething is all he does.

Curious to see if it uses merc tech or blitz tech.

Probably an auto-merc for those on the opposite faction.

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I really hope it’s not merc tech hate that it puts most horde races to human and gnome lol

Disagree. I think it gets worse. It doesn’t say cross-faction is enabled, it just says you can queue as a group cross faction.

Ya which would be disappointing imo. Merc doesn’t even allow you to stay the race you are.

Unless I missed it, Blizzard is specifically referring to enabling cross-faction for premade parties, not random bg teams as a whole.

So, this just makes it easier for premade raids to sync queue players from both factions. The system will probably go with the party leader’s faction to determine which side they’re on. That’s easy enough for the premade communities to coordinate.

Ya it says specifically cross faction groups, not cross faction period. Which imo is a really odd change. Why not make it cross faction period.

This is my thoughts exactly.

This wont be a good thing as some of these premade communities loathe each other. Imagine if djl gets some bsg players… lmao.

They would be screwing up each other’s sync.

I don’t think this is about queuing into each other though, depending on how this works nothing changes minus they now have access to MORE players to queue with.


The premade communities that group up together probably want to party up with each other.

They’ll be able to form parties with toons from both factions.

After all the parties are formed and all the party leaders are the same faction, they’ll sync queue.

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Djl hates bsg

bsg goes out of their way to farm the horde premades.

avm most of the time refuses to que into bsg.

have you not seen the petty squabling between the premade communities in some of these threads? they cant stand each other.


Ya but this doesn’t mean they will be playing with each other though. Again nothing changes on how this works for them most likely minus they can queue with anyone now not just Horde or Alliance. We are still missing details though.

This is why we need to bump my post explaining how they should implement cross faction unrated pvp.

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100% just posting that with no details kind of stinks. Maybe we see more about it today idk.