Queue Sync Blitz!

This game mode only has the most integrity. When I see 3-4 people from Frostmourne ending up on the same team with them moving around together playing like they’re going to win a million dollars… it is the most pathetic thing to see. Shout out to the Aussies that are giant wimps and abuse queue systems on a daily basis. Very hard to get a win when you play against these sweaty queue syncers.


Last night I noticed this as well. A few blitz matches we full of the same server ( which is fine ) but they moved and communicated a little too well to not be talking on discord. Probably another system ruined by player who just refuse to follow the rules.


Careful guys they will come in here and call you conspiracy theorist and anti-vaxers haha


Got a legit game with no 3-4 people from the same server rolling together and … … we won… wow, it’s crazy how that works!

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crikey! :kangaroo: :boomerang:

Started noticing it recently as well. At first I was completely “nah your wrong bro, just coincidence” but it seems to be becoming more common that I’m suspicious.


cross faction will fix syncers they said


You literally cannot queue sync Blitz.

Even if you get into the same game, you can’t guarantee you’re on the same team.

What you’re running into is the result of WoW having so few people playing, matches frequently have the same players in them.

Nobody is trying that hard to cheat in an unrated game mode.


Stay away from the bio weapons at all costs peeps.

Stay safe!!!


:man_surfing: :surfing_woman:

It doesn’t matter if they end up on the same team or not, technically they are still q-syncing. It’s just a question of how much negative impact it will end up having on the matches as a whole.

People have and will continue to attempt to q-sync. The real argument here should be about how much that matters in the end.

Is it really that hard to do a countdown and queue at the same time? Attempts at q-sync are easy. Again, it’s how effective or damaging it will be that is in question.


If Blitz isn’t popular content and it’s like the same 100 people gatekeeping 2400, they’ll probably sell boosts together :man_shrugging:


I anticipate that the very highest MMR is going to be mess because a lot of the people that will end up at that range will know each with many of them being bnet friends. So, the likelihood they jump into voice together when they end up in the same match is high. No q-syncing necessary if the top end pool of players is low.

I don’t think boosting will be a significant issue, however. We’ll see.

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If people are on opposite teams I wouldn’t consider that Q-synching. Also can just report people for throwing matches if you see it.

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They’re already testing the system and getting into the same games:

Even if they’re on opposite teams, they’ve still circumvented the system and managed to pack the game with their premade community’s players. They get to decide which team wins.

There are also all the times when they do end up on the same team.

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Isn’t one of the biggest issues with epic bg’s right now the giant premade community rigging queues to steamroll unrated content?


Why not? They are doing a countdown and queueing at the same time. That is the very definition of q-syncing. It’s just that, in this case, they might end up on opposite sides.

If they are on the same side, they can coordinate on voice. If they are on opposite sides they can engage in match manipulation (or perhaps play the game out in an honest fashion).

The only question is how much will this effect the overall ladder. That is where the argument should be. I’m on the “meh, it remains to be seen” side of things.


I think it’ll depend if a premade community manages to create an organized system that largely benefits their members.

If they get something going, their premade community will grow as more people want to join in and rig their matches. More members also means it’ll be easier to get their players into the same games.

Epic BGs are faction locked and not very popular, which enables premades to be guaranteed the same faction, especially if they queue as the unpopular one

But Imagine 1000s of players in groups of 2 at most trying to get into the same matches of 16 people, and on the same side. If Blitz has any kind of healthy participation, queue syncing won’t have a payout


Ya this pretty much is how I feel.

Between the number of people who will be playing it, the RNG teams, and the implementation of a more stable MMR match-making, queue-syncing BGB is going to be next to impossible come TWW; at the very least, it will be unreliable and, so, pointless.

Queue-syncing is much easier right now - what with less people playing a shortened S4 and the MMR match-making being all over the place (it varies wildly from one game to the next) - which is why you’re seeing it, occasionally.

As per people saying, “They can just throw games”: Actually, they can’t. That is reportable behaviour. A throw is especially obvious when the people involved (on both sides) are coming from the same server/guild/community.

Another thing to bear in mind: Blizzard might not care too much about queue-syncing in old, unrated PVP content, like BGs/EBGs - or even the handful of people queue-syncing BGB as a Brawl currently - but I can guarantee that they’ll whip out the ol’ ban-hammer if people try to game a rated system. They actually have a lot riding on the success of BGB right now, it being - perhaps - a foretaste of the future of WoW PVP. I highly doubt that they’re just going to “Throw it to the dogs,” and let queue-syncing ruin it in TWW.