The best part of playing affliction is all the free time you get

8+ silencing and micro-CC’ing effects used on me in a single pvp engagement?
Sweet. Time to go make a sandwich.

Hunter sending me to the graveyard in 1-2 globals from a stealth opener?
Cool. Needed to take out the garbage anyway.

Allies repeatedly CC’ing my targets causing me to continually re-ramp my damage from zero?
Alright. I’ll do some dishes then.

Watching my dots be useless against the 2 enemy disc priests holding a node against 7 people?
Got it. I’ll go clean the cat’s litterbox.

Needing to click accept for BG Blitz 15+ times because the enemy team is syncing queues?
Word. Had to vacuum the carpet today.

PvP might be an absolute dumpster fire experience, but man… my apartment looks great!
Thanks Blizzard :smiley:


A few of these are issues that every class/spec has to deal with. And affliction is one of the stronger BG specs, so… ?

Liking this post for the humour alone. :rofl:


Depends on what you mean by “stronger”. Can it reach high spots on the DPS charts?
It can, but under certain conditions.

You see, playing affliction in BGs like cosplaying as a piece of cake in a room full of fat kids.
Fat kids who have knives, to be specific. And they’re all very hungry.

If you can avoid the hungry-hungry hippos with the pointy weapons, then yeah. Big chart numbers are possible.

But do the big chart numbers mean anything in small-scale engagements? Unfortunately, no. It just shows that you gave a bunch of people a mild cankersore while eating an 8-layer dip of micro-CC and either:

a.) Suffered your entire HP bar in burst damage before agony even ramped to 12 stacks,
b.) Watched a healer burst heal your target for 300% of your dot damage + malefic rapture spam, or
c.) A combination thereof.

This is why affliction sucks donkey balls in arena. You have to wait a span of time equivalent to the length of all three Lord of the Rings movies for 69420 stacks of heal dampening kick in before anything you do is halfway meaningful. Take away the heal dampening in blitz and it feels even worse.


We just have different experiences. I would honestly rank affliction warlock as one of my strongest Blitz specs for actual fighting. It can lack a bit on objective play due to mobility issues.

hi Hunter and paladin players

Unbind scattershot and blinding light, you’re genuinely not helpful!

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Best part of affy is if the enemy team has no mw. or u have tons of affys u auto kill everything.

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Theatrical or director’s cut?

So, actually, you are q-syncing Blitz and can work together if on the same side and can engage in match manipulation if on the opposite sides. You shouldn’t be trying to q-sync Blitz at all. Pathetic.


ofc he tries to qsink blitz 0 integrity 0 skill

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That’s a loooong time.

Do or dont nerf Hunter, Ill play whatever is mathmaticly correct(nerf hunter Ill play DH, nerf both maybe my paladin with come off the shelf). I’ll even learn a healer if every dps I can stomach playing is a worse FC than a healer much longer. But yeah spot on for all points. WAY too many CCs and dispells. It is world of microcc-craft. The queue syncing is often and obvious. The spys are visable. The dispells(1min CD) and thefts of my Ret defensives(4 min CDs) gave birth to this MM Hunter. I can only imagine the rage I would feel if all my damage was being dispelled off.

crying in tanky disc priest

You may not be win trading or performing other gameplay sabatoge, but folks will assume you are. Better off just not queue syncing “solo queue” content, or have one of you play a healer and just queue together.

No, lol… but alright