Queue dungeons with AI NPCs in 10.2

Would be a horrible change to implement

What is really funny is that the people most against this are the people we wish to avoid when doing group content. I’ve sent suggestions for this for years and love it in FF14. Not being gated by waiting for a team or having to deal with whiny elitists is pure win.


The datamined strings suggest that it would be a difficulty below Normal Mode dungeons. Basically, a “story mode” for players who just want to sight-see and follow the story. I support this because sometimes I just don’t want to deal with the “gogogogogogo pull all the things!” mentality.

It also gives Blizzard incentive to do some character development and world building. The NPCs can be new characters or iconic characters, bantering back and forth, and giving some world building.


My luck (and skill) the AI characters would vote kick me. :unamused:

Always funny seeing people get triggered over youtubers.

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How is this a troll post when he’s just telling you 100% legit information

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Oh you mean the thing that FFXIV already does. Might make leveling alts a lot easier. And even testing out different skill sets.

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Honestly, it would be great if that happens. Lets newcomers practice the dungeon runs first before jumping in with other people. Also allows players who never healed/tanked before to practice as well and it’s a great way to learn the mechanics of the dungeon, and no need to make dps players wait 15-20 minutes (sometimes over half an hour) to join an instance.

Don’t see why this is a bad thing.

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I mean the super majority of times most people don’t speak or do anything that reminds you they are a actual person. So having Ai bots is on par with everything these days. I still feel like Chromie time being broken for a year has added a need for this. Also that most of DF dungeons are not liked. If they fixed both would not need Ai…

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Could it have heen datamined from a test build I wonder? Getting closer to 10.2 and no official word or ptr play could mean it’s something Blizz was testing for a future feature…

It’s in datamined info that was posted on MMO Champion. And it looks like a new difficulty in LFG for groups of 4 or less.

Might not be something we see in 10.2, though.

I think it’s going to be an option you could do prior to LFR; so you know how we currently have LFR, Normal, Heroic, Mythic? Blizzard will probably add AI dungeon as an option before LFR, probably for loot that are slightly lower level than LFR. It would be great for new players who have no idea how the dungeons mechanics work; also great if you just want to power level to 70 without worrying about waiting for a tank or healer to queue up.

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Maybe I’m just on a bad server but people don’t rez or even wait for people to run back anymore in LFG. My guild is dead, I play mostly alone, I rely on LFG a lot but it’s become such a nightmare. I am beyond happy they are adding this feature.


Turns out the “delve” announcement today was this.

Looks like they were experimenting with the AI dungeon concept on PTR then stashed it away for 11.0 and renamed it delves.

People who will use this don’t care about speed or maxing out. This is for people who have 1 or 2 friends they play with and hate pugs and stress. It’s for people who don’t play games like a job.


Appears to be normal dungeons only atm.

On PTR it’s normal only difficulty. But i see no reason to limit that. I Practiced Healing and survived easy.

But after you have become used to the AI dungeons there really needs to be a way to ramp the difficulty so you get a feel for whats it’s truly like in a H PUG. Cos the AI is careful and cooperative and goes at your pace. There aren’t many or any situations where things get out of hand.

That doesn’t prepare anyone for the crazy speed fest standing in fire no kicks PUG world at all. And i would love to Main a healer for an xpac but PUGs are the worst unforgiving unpleasant joyless experience as a noob healer. If i could practice to get good surely that benefits the whole community? More tanks and healers would mean shorter waits for dps. More experienced players make for quicker smoother PUGS.

I hope blizzard don’t gatekeep hard content ‘just because’. That would be criminally shortsighted.

Imho. My two cents.

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Seems like the people who are looking forward to the AI generally don’t want anything to do with the faster pace + human playstyles in LFG. I can’t imagine making the AI play just like that so people can practice it would be a well received idea.

Great way for new players to learn.