Queue dungeons with AI NPCs in 10.2

This is huge. I will 100% come back to retail if I don’t have to deal with toxic key parties anymore to progress.


if the a.i. takes it slow, 1 pack at a time, i will totally run it. hate speed racing


If the AI doesn’t like you, it will just kick you.

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AI is not a threat to Humanity, it will help us in whatever perils face us.

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It will most likely be like it is in FFXIV and feel like you’re escorting snails doing a third of the dps of real players.

If that’s the case then it’ll be relegated to botters who want to gold farm in private dungeon instances by pairing up their bot with blizzard sanctioned bots. Just like how gil farms do this in FFXIV.

I like this idea in theory. It would depend on how it functioned in practice though.

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I wouldn’t want an AI telling me my gear sucks and my dps is low, it’s bad enough with humans saying it :frowning:

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WoW Bot AI is pretty good though and has been for years. Look at the bot behaviour in island expeditions.

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Yeah pretty much.

If you are a ranged dps, the group only moves forward when you attack something and then after combat finishes, runs back to where you are.

They will not engage enemies unless you do.

Probably be pretty wonky and slow.

It’s typically a completely seperate Que you have to opt-in for. Won’t just be mixed in with normal ques.

Might only be available for solo players and not for groups. ex: 1 player and 4 bots but never 2 players and 3 bots.

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I would urge against anyone referencing mmochampion for any sort of posts except for player fan fiction.

Fact only a few content creators are posting about it (except extreme clickbait youtubers) id say that its fan fiction pulled from ff14 at best.

With that all said, IF (big if) they are working on this. Would be a welcome change. If you want to practice in a normal - mythic 0, its not possible because of overgeared people blasting. Mythic+ is same issue or its too high of a key to actually practice. Im saying this as a “casual” who gets ksm/ksh each season.

All queued content is free loot, hardly any effort.


Like how people just pay to get run through dungeons now? I’d rather the ai than the toxic community tbh. Either way it is exploited for IRL money.


Game is so dead, I can’t lol.

I think it would be a great way to learn dungeons, for tanks who prefer a walkthrough rather than having to stop to look at the map.

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I think the AI should be programmed to tell people when they have made a mistake.

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That’s one of the funny parts about the wrath WRA quests to help chromie.

Future version of your character will tell current time version character to get better gear.

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Until its on wowhead, its just speculation imho.

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I’ve seen AB’s in retail and wrath…I’d have preferred the comp stomp bots from that version of AB over most of the team I got.

Some of their AI is actually okay. All its lacking is some coordination. The same coordination humans lack though.

Humans will leave crap gears to hold points solo. and then wonder why farm/stable was lost. Again…

AI copied that behavior lol.

Me I see the low level and/or low gear and go okay, this is a 2 man defence now.

LFG dungeons? Can’t you solo normal/heroic dungeons by now?