Queue dungeons with AI NPCs in 10.2

Instituting an ingame way to prepare a player for increasingly difficult content in a stressfree non toxic environment wouldn’t be well received?

I think its a golden opportunity for existing technology to be applied in a constructive way to enhance the game.

But who knows. Maybe i should just stick to DPS and ignore the rest of the Holy Trinity elements.

Preparing for the increase in difficulty =\ preparing for how real players play.

That’s a given my friend.

Sounds all good and well until AI starts calling you a bad …and had ALL the data to prove it. …I’m not sure sure I am liking this.

I never imagined a day, where AI would be in a game and denying me from grouping with them too.

When’s the AI going to play for me and just let me talk smack at the keyboard?

It will be fine. I think people are trying to make a bigger deal in hopes of forum drama.

Lol the AI posting details in chat if you’re doing bad.

Maybe they could add in a setting for group RP…

1 - normal AI type talking / directions
2 - silence
3 - normal pug (random statements in chat)
4 - very RP
5 - toxic pug (mean comments that get progressively worse towards the worst performer in the group - AI or player)

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