LFG dungeons are basically like playing with AI players anyways.
Sorry I don’t mess around with PTRs too much so please excuse my ignorance.
Can you please instruct me how to try it out and give feedback? Blizzard needs to hear from players like me.
I’m sure it COULD work for the mythic level content. I’m sure that higher level players would complain if the AI could carry you through the content. I’m also sure it could be tuned in a way that If the player doesn’t perform well enough, the content won’t be completed at the current key level.
Mythic raiding might be more difficult to balance for a dps player when they’re only 5% of the raid’s player…But then again many mechanics will allow somebody to wipe a whole raid if done wrong.
Kinda cool in my opinion. Much rather group with some random ai npc’s, than most of the nerd raging real life wow players that play this game lol. The rewards would probably be currencies(like comp stomp), or maybe some cosmetic transmog type stuff.
I love it, as long as they adapt to the skill level of the player and you’re allowed to exclude certain races from the roster. (i aint tryna play with vulpera u feel me)
Next step is to have AI that can push high keys with you, it would be a dream come true.
Every time I’ve done comp stomp we end up spawn camping the bots. Having them as teammates they probably wouldn’t get past the trash in a dungeon.
That is usually how it works. Every once in a while though, you get in a group where people won’t wait until the flag is capped, and one of the bots will back cap it lol. Then the nerd rage commences I want an AV comp stomp. So, the bots turtle the bridge getting to Van Stormpike lol.
What I’ve thought would be neat is if you played with a “ghost” recorded from a previous run. Like trying to beat your self in mario kart. You could tank a run and save that playthrough. Then take that tank recording and dps.
Then take your two ghosts and heal them through another run.
Blizz could just take the snapshots of real players movements and put npcs in the world to make it seem more full.
But the AI is so good now I’m guessing that having a bot is as easy as playing back a tape.
I also think people are ready to have bots control their own characters and just be able to jump in at critical moments to take over for the hard parts. Like driving a Tesla do to speak.
An absolutely cracking idea.
- As a way to learn classes and specs with ZERO pressure and toxic commentary.
- Not everyone is in a guild.
- DPS wait times are a joke.
- Fill a spot if someone ragequits.
- Mercy dash against a weekly timer to get a 5/5 H complete or something.
- Mount/t-mog farms.
- Has no impact on guilds doing their own thing.
- LFG is still there for those that want it.
- Solo players will love this feature.
- Watch the dungeons completed in week one triple the week before it. If they could introduce M+ scaling that would be immense.
11.rewards could along the lines of 10 flightsones per boss kill OR complete 15 dungeons on H or 5 on M+ and unlock one spot on Great Vault. Keep it simple but doesn’t have to stack up one for against real player group rewards.
If this ISN’T a legit thing in 10.2 it bloody well should be. So many upsides and zero downsides.
Blizzard acknowledges it’s the toxic community that pushes people away from the game. Institutes a way for people to not deal with aforementioned community.
Sometimes I wonder where Thancred learned to play GNB though…
I imagine I’d need to actually participate in queued content for this to affect me.
Thought you stopped playing a long time ago lol. Back during the forum dislike button fiasco lol.
Yeah I don’t trust anything that comes out of this dudes mouth. Also doubt it would actually be “AI” it would just be NPCs that could join you like FFXIV does I imagine.
Either way, I am highly doubting it
Same way most of the player base did. Skip the text, didn’t read his abilities, and wonders why he can’t use gnashing claw.
And overuse of “This is Thancred” and “My turn!!”
It works 1000% in Final Fantasy 14. It helps DPS who have long queues to do any dungeon content. Can also help someone learn the content also.
Now that’s how Square Enix does it. Blizzard will mess it up.
Love that part - got over my fear of dungeons there
Lia! You’re back!
That would be hilarious. AI kicking people