Queue abusers

It’s become way more of a thing now, where roles like tanks and healers, are being forced in to a dps role.

I more than understand doing some bits here and there (see past posts of mine, indicating so, and my experience with it). However, it has gone way beyond that, to the point is ridiculous. It is not fun.

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Oh interesting. I wonder what the “correct” process is supposed to be when someone has multiple children.

This reads to refer to a WoW account (not bnet account) since it references “WoW License”:

So those 25 Guardian Druids who downed Heroic Denathrius did it wrong too then? Weird how that works.

Tanking is simply holding aggro on mob(s) and directing damage to yourself.

If you can do that and survive, I’d say that makes you a tank, specc’d or not. Why else would they give DPS specs taunt, and the ability to use shields or bear form and the likes?

Yes clearly, I myself consist of 98% of the WoW population and am every DPS character you’ve ever met in game.


And I can hold aggro as Feral or Balance. Doesn’t matter which one :slight_smile: but I mainly do it on either my DK or Warrior.

Druid has been benched for a bit while gearing alts

That’s a premade group, not LFD. :3 Which is what I said people should do if they want to ‘tank as DPS’ or otherwise.

Thanks for agreeing with me, I guess?

This person tried to argue that “DPS specs can tank all content just fine” which I disproved but then you go with “Tanks can DPS just fine!” Keep up, Grizzle. Stack some more speed stat, or something.

I would assume this is being proliferated by high M+ keys, which would be player driven. The big question to me is do you think class design is shifting towards this? A subtle but important difference.

In vanilla WoW it ended up being discovered that you off tank raid adds and trash mobs with no points in prot at all, and a lot of guilds ended up just giving a fury warrior some defense gear to handle certain things. They were still tanking for this though.

The broader level EULA seems to not limit the number of children FYI:

Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established or play a Game installed by their parent or legal guardian upon the parent/guardian’s acceptance of this Agreement. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account or the Platform (including any Game), you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account or the Platform by your Child whether or not any particular use was authorized by you.

The question is about a “wow account”, but the answer references the battle.net EULA, and it’s the battle.net account with the limitations.

So to answer your other question, they would need multiple battle.net accounts if they wanted multiple children to play. Or do what I did when my kids were younger. They each had their own battle.net accounts and we setup parental restrictions from one of our accounts (they have this concept as well, where a separate battle.net account controls the sub accounts). Once they turn 18, you can submit paper work to have that disconnected. There’s no sharing of anything when they’re separate battle.net accounts and it does require you to pay for separate wow accounts as well, but it does allow for multiple children this way.

How do you want the system to determine whether someone queuing as a tank in dps spec is capable of holding aggro? Or do you want most groups in that situation to suffer because you are able?

I recall once being put in a random group where the “healer” was a low level feral without a weapon.

The link shared above states “You may not share your account or password with anyone, except if you are a parent or guardian, in which case you may permit one minor child to use your account. You may not use your account at the same time, and you are liable for activities conducted by the minor child.”

NOTE - this is EU, the US version of that page links to the EULA and it is more wishy washy.

In terms of tank dps being a thing people care about, I’d say that is a combination of raid tuning for DPS check fights such as Krosus or Sludgefist requiring tanks to pull a minimum DPS or have that DPS be made up elsewhere and WoW kind of removing threat as a primary tank mechanic. Back when threat generation was very important the best threat abilities to use were not necessarily the best dps abilities. Healers I think come from the DPS check fights and M+ aswell.

How boring would that be lol :sleeping:

Did they say all content? If so I missed it. Regardless, you said the proper way to tank would be specc’d into a tank spec, which by the definition of tanking, is wrong.

If a DPS can tank it, and do it properly, they are the groups tank. Now if they cannot do the roles of a tank, then they are not the groups tank.

It’s that simple. Shockadins used to tank and melt things themselves.

I level hybrids as a “healer” in dungeons because my heals are stronger in DPS spec and I do more damage.

If you can do it, and do it right, is there a problem with it?

Yes that’s for a WoW Account or any particular game (license) in particular.

But I think for the broader Bnet Account -this EULA section applies and allows multiple children:

Subject to the laws of your country of residence, minor children may utilize an Account established or play a Game installed by their parent or legal guardian upon the parent/guardian’s acceptance of this Agreement. In the event that you permit your minor child or legal ward (collectively, your “Child”) to use an Account or the Platform (including any Game), you hereby agree to this Agreement on behalf of yourself and your Child, and you understand and agree that you will be responsible for all uses of the Account or the Platform by your Child whether or not any particular use was authorized by you.

And yes - the system already restricts the ability for 2 people to play on the same WoW Account. The player currently online will get kicked off and a message pops up saying that another user logged on from a different location.

IE, mythic raid. Referencing them ‘tanking mythic raid’ and since the conversation was about DPS queueing as tank role but not being a tank I brought up the fact they tanked as prot not fury, not arms. :3 What content do you think they were referring to? They said it’s okay for dungeons, then said it’s okay for raids.

Nope! Hence why pure DPS classes cannot queue as a tank. Your whole argument has been defeated, goodbye~

Make premade groups if you want to ‘tank’ dungeons as dps. Note the quotations~

Based on a little bit of forum searching it looks like you’d have to transfer the characters they want to a new account one at a time, paying for each. Either that or make them all quit so you can play yourself.

It’s already in place. Every DPS that can spec into a tank is given the tools to be able to hold aggro.

Groups have the power to replace anyone as they see fit. That’s what the vote kick system is in place for

It’s one adult to one child on your battle.net account :wink: If you have multiple kids, you need to put them on separate battle.net accounts.

That said, I wouldn’t share my account with my kid anyway, mostly for the security of the account, but instead provide them with their own battle.net account instead. If they’re under 13, the account goes in the parent/guardian’s name and can be changed when they are older. But if they’re 13+, the account can be in their own name.

Not sure Blizzard would let you, they generally only let people transfer to accounts with the same legal name attached. They might do it for one parent + child with same last name but probably not more than one, etc.