Queue abusers

To be a tank specced character, to take less dmg than others while holding aggro over everyone else. Key note, tank spec. Unless you’re saying mythic raids are just DPS tanks for whoever is the highest DPS? Checks Nope, not the case, always tank spec (Hence tank spec, even for BGs it auto-switches you to tank spec if you queue for it.)

Queue for a BG as a tank, if it lets you. Notice, it won’t let PURE DPS classes queue for neither dungeons nor BGs as ‘tank’ or ‘healer’ spec. :3

If you think ‘DPS should be able to tank dungeons just fine, let us do so in LFD’ then ask Blizzard to make it so. As it is right now, it’s not allowed. Hence, pure DPS classes can’t.

Yeah. Mid-late tier in the past it wasn’t uncommon to zone into a dungeon on an alt and there’s a high tier raid guild dps warrior/paladin/dk that queued as tank and is mulching all the mobs up without issue.

Sometimes there’s a guy that’ll be upset, but more often than not people just sit back and enjoy the ride.

If you had a DPS that could pull aggro away from the tanks and keep it, then I’d say he was tanking.

Tanking is holding aggro over your comrades. Making the mobs focus on you and not them.


Imagine me letting a healer or DPS die on my Paladin because I refused to use my free WoG on them because “I’m not queued as a healer” or not popping Wings because “I’m not queued as a DPS”


New rule, if tanking you can only use auto attack, defensive buttons, and taunts. Your job isn’t to do damage, it is to be in tank spec.


Correct me if I’m wrong, but on the character creation screen, does it not describe tank specs as those who take the brunt of the damage and shield their allies from harm? Does not holding aggro do that?

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Yeah, how dare those crazy guys tanking high M+ keys optimize their characters to do maximum damage while maintaining just the right amount of survivability. Blasphemy, they should just be there to be a meat shield.

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I can see the issue if the “tank” or “healer” is slowing down the group significantly by being squishy or letting people die but, if its some mythic insert current raid here geared person clappin all the mobs who cares?


I straight up made a post last night, right here in GD on the forums, letting people know that I would be happy to help queue them up for Crown Chemical since I tank/heal (legit).

I put groups up in LFG a few times last night.


I may do it again tonight, we’ll see. But, you can lead a horse to water, can’t force him to drink. :woman_shrugging:

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DPS queues have been pretty long at times for the holiday boss. I for one am thankful players give tanking and healing a shot, with classes that are able to spec. However…an attempt should be made to do your job.

Clearly I have been raid tanking completely wrong, trying to help the team push damage as much as I can without being killed so we can skip mechanics and make the fight shorter.

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And therein lies the whole problem.

I blame Ion for this current plethora of nonsense.

No doubt the holiday dungeon, which will be over before the “you can’t kick that player yet” debuff ends. The solution is tank satchels. And any player queueing as tank should be put into tank spec if they are not yet.

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Wait, based on that logic, the DPS getting more gear and doing more DMG also contributes to being able to skip mechanics, should we stop that as well? What rabbit hole are we heading down here.

How can you determine one character on one WoW account from another character on another WoW account - but both under the same bnet account?

I’ve seen multiple instances where people within a family that share a bnet account are accused of being the same person because those sites generally create ties within a bnet account.

I figured there’s some way to differentiate further, but I haven’t figured out how.

Seems to me you were in PROT spec for your raid, not fury or arms IE DPS specs like you want to try to argue. Woops, there goes your whole argument.

It is not based on that logic, you are pulling rabbits out of nowhere. Knock that off.

Yeah, seems like the natural progression working towards being able to farm raids in anticipation of the next tier.

Doing less mechanics by killing the boss faster has kind of always been a thing. It is probably a little more noticeable now with certain mechanics based on boss health clearly overriding other mechanics but even in the first raid you wanted to kill Rag as fast as possible so he would submerge less.

In the API you can, they come back with the account ID associated with them (wow account), but you as an average user on the armory/etc. can’t, there’s no difference. And the scenario you described is actually against the Blizzard Rules. Only the owner and 1 minor child can share a single battle.net account, not an entire family.

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And every DPS who queues as a tank is you? You hold aggro as balance? Feral?