Queue abusers

no idea what their point even is. anyone with like 32k+ acheives or more isn’t gonna get away with switching characters anyways and would be incredibly obvious so idk what kind of tinfoil hattery they are thinking of.

Yeah, I’ll occasionally swap chars mid thread because somebody is accusing me of not playing a particular class and there’s always at least one guy who thinks he’s witty by pointing out that it’s me.

Despite me saying that it’s me.

Like, thanks, Holmes.


Pawser is just a notorious troll who will make odd leaps of logic (taking x implies y and somehow arriving at z), and has impossibly high standards for what’s hard in this game. Don’t expect them to make any legit points that can’t be explained by false implies anything.


I wish all your characters on your Bnet were just linked to your armory or something like that. Would solve a lot of issues on the forums.

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That they often swap characters to try to avoid scrutiny and avoid peoples ignore list to get the reactions they want, which using ways to avoid ignore and continue posting at someone that has done so to avoid you is actually considered ongoing harassment.

Yeah, I think for some people it’s like a privacy thing. Make it easier to hide behind alts.

Weren’t they saying that they wiped on holiday bosses?

Personally, I don’t trust posts from nonmains. Seems like the best reason to post on an alt is because you don’t want what you say linked back to you. Seems to me you’re probably either a troll or a coward with very unpopular ideas if you aren’t posting from a capped character.

Even curiously, using their alts to flag a post when it gets brought up again. What a shock~

Why aren’t you posting on yours? Anything under 250 ilvl isn’t a main.

Yes, many such cases.

If they do good dps, and the boss dies, I’m fine with a fake tank or healer. But if they suck, mmmhmm. Very rude.

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Define main, I have 23 60’s, they range in ilvl from 220 on the low end to 252 on the high end (mostly driven by when they hit 60 and RNG in the vault, not that I play some more than others). I don’t raid, they’re in a random assortment of guilds (where it’s just me and some of my alts), etc. So in that scenario, what is my main?

As for making them all public, plenty of sites do that (link your bnet account on raider.io for that neat Season 2 report and now all your alts are linked), look up multiple accounts on check-pvp.fr and it fingerprints them and links them. And for those who went to the extra step of disabling their characters from being pulled via the API (it’s a privacy option), you can still figure it out 9 times out of 10 by examining their achievements / collections (pets / mounts are the dead giveaway, especially if they renamed pets) on the warcraft armory which is still usable even if they clicked that privacy option to disable the API access.

Probably the one you’d flag as “primary/main character”, but what he means by “nonmains” is probably just hidden/anonymous ones that’ll ask you to trust them on their experience or whatever.

You’ll often see them posting from classic chars.

And if I can hold aggro just fine as a DPS spec and no one else is getting hit, does it truly matter?

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Idk, Grizzle, are DPS specs tank specs in the roles? No? Ok then, you queue as DPS. Otherwise, make a premade group. :3

Ah well, the more people that do it, the more likely Blizzard is to restrict it at some point and said people can act outraged even though they were the ones that brought the change by abusing it.

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What’s the point of a tank in a group? To grab and maintain aggro. If I do this, am I not “tanking” as per the common definition?


if they can do the job what’s the problem - I would think heroic and normal dungeons can be tanked just fine with some classes.


Depends on the group. If it isn’t causing problems then it’s pretty rare that somebody will have an issue, and I’ve honestly seen more uppity healers (refusing to heal until the dps tank is kicked) get removed than the dps who queued as tank.

It’s all down to the groups opinion of what’s happening.


that means you are the odd one out and everyone else is just fine - you don’t like it you can leave.

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I really don’t understand why anyone cares. A dps with like 80 Ilvls over what the dungeon is tuned around will probably make for a smoother run as tank than someone who is a tank at the appropriate gear level. If you get your rewards and it doesn’t cause an issue who really cares. Been healed by plenty of shadowpriests and elemental shaman in my day.


I used to do it in BfA dungeons as a Fury Warrior, rush in and get aggro from burst damage and things just melted.

Same thing with bosses. If you started losing aggro, you hit taunt and went about your day.


If you can tank as a DPS spec, more power to you

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