Queue abusers

What other reason is there for someone 220+ or higher to queue for a Normal/Heroic Dungeon? The crappy anima reward you get once a day? I HIGHLY doubt that.

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Then you agree it’d be even funnier for said person to get hit for a 3-7 day by a GM with the reason being “Not-worgen”. Ah well, go back to trolling /wowg/ Joy.

If only there was a system to remove someone. A vote system where the other 4 players get to choose the fate of the fifth player. Where if the majority agree, the player gets removed.

I can’t say I’ve ever heard of this.

I’ve seen worgen/vulpera lobbed, as well as people with bad mogs, though.

So simple and elegant.


It’s in their rules, they can do so if they like. :3 Guess by your own logic, they should. Especially your acc, every time you come back just keep doing it, because they’re allowed to.

I’ve had a group that was held hostage when the healer went AFK and their friend refused to kick them. A troll + friend can hold an LFD group hostage for quite a while.

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What are you even talking about?

Yeah. You also used to be able to lob person after person as a premade, but they put a cap on that.

And you still have a solution, click the eyeball, choose leave instance group. Problem solved. If you haven’t killed a boss OR it’s been 10-15 minutes (I forget how long it is), you may get a deserter debuff however.

You say it’s OK(and actually funny) to VTK anyone for any reason as a result of it being allowed, same thing for Blizzard and your acc. Guarantee you’d be back to posting on 4ch and everywhere else you could if it happened, complaining though.

Yes? If I get removed from a group for poor taste in mog or playing male panda then I probably deserve it.

How do you figure?

If you think that trying to tank on a DPS spec is the same as being a particular race, IDK what’s wrong with you.

Isn’t that how it works in PvP?

It’s in their rules, they can disable it for any reason. Including because they think it’s funny, so by your own admission they should and you would think it’s funny if it happened to you.

Yeah, that’s standard. We don’t own our accounts, they do, etc.

What are you on about, and what did Blizzard do to me?


Keep deflecting, I guess. You won’t even admit to your own point.

Squelches, + the thing for AS to get rating you bought last xpac.

Time to switch to another posting char, I guess? :3 As you always do.

Did you get kicked for being a worgen on an RP server or something


I generally post on the char I’m playing, or what’s relevant.

All my chars are listed, though, nothing is hidden. That’d just be cowardly.

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so they did, i missed that. my bad! yes, with that in mind, that person was hurting the group and i would have supported kicking them.

At that point, what said fury warrior is doing can be easily classified as griefing. You should be able to report them for that.

The more people that queue as tank, the more people that get to do the event. Tanks are instant, so you’re not “taking” a spot or making any “true” tank wait any longer. Just getting 3 DPS and a healer through the queue quicker.

The quickest kill times for all my toons is this one in cat form queued as tank. Because I usually end up with 12-13k DPS for the fight. No problem holding aggro and don’t need healing.

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TF you said?? :hocho:


Well, the good news is they added vulpera so panda’s get less flack now. The bad news is you are still definitely a kunfu panda furry :grin: /s

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