Queue abusers

If you wiped during the Valentine’s Day dungeon event, I’m inclined to believe that’s because the group specifically wiped on purpose by standing in the puddles that form. That activity is designed to accomodate players from level 10 and up and it is very, very, very hard to fail. The encounter lasts all of 1 minute. I would be incredibly embarrassed to wipe in this encounter.

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If I’m in LFD as a healer and the tank is a fury warrior or havoc DH, I just equip my DPS spec or stop healing them. If they complain, I simply say that DPS specs shouldn’t have aggro.

Is this another role complaint thread about the valentine dungeon? If it is…SMH. You do not need tank or heals for that. Especially if everyone is level 60. I always queue as both tank and dps and the game dumps me in as tank but I remain dps spec. No problems. Hell, half the time I tank on my mage since I pull aggro easily.

I do the same for the Halloween dungeon. Never had an issue.

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They did.

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Nope. See above.

Leveling? Normal? Heroic? Mythic 0? Mythic+? You’re leaving out context.

And as others have pointed out, there’s a solution to that. Though depending on the fury warrior / havoc DH’s gear, it may not work out the way you want.

Yeah, some 240-something dps quing tank for a heroic dungeon to get an augment rune bag is probably not going to be an issue honestly. They should be doing way more dps than everyone else so they should have aggro pretty consistently and they could probably solo the place if they wanted to but that doesn’t give bonus loot bags.

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Only solution is to make Blizzard take action against people that abuse the queue function just like people that abuse the vote kick function. Make people that want to tank as DPS make a premade group of their own where there’s no set roles to queue, etc.


I’m going to assume you are talking queue content…no queue content is so difficult it can’t be done with DPS-tanks. In fact, if it is a decently geared DPS, no queue tank, unless similarly geared, “can” even tank for them.

I have a DH friend who is 252 and I ran some leveling dungeons with him speeding me along. I’m a phenomenal tank but there is no way to hold aggro off him for more than a few seoncs when he’s literally 150 or so ilvls above you and equally knows how to play.

Thing is he is in no danger of dying either. He’ll do heroics for the bribe bag too and most groups are grateful he carries them and speeds it along, but some get testy and “stop healing him” out of protest…as if they think that’ll show him (spoiler: it never has/will).

You should be asking Blizzard to enforce spec roles when signing up and doing what FFXIV, the number 1 MMO currently, does which is setting players down to an appropriate item level (and FFXIV actually will de-level you and remove abilities you wouldn’t have yet even). Or remove any/all incentives higher geared people have doing lesser content (like the bribe bags), but that’s gonna bite you in the butt harder than you think.

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Ok, than auto switch and lock them to the spec they queued for, but don’t come here and complain when the queue times skyrocket for DPS.


But if no one else wants to kick them, then maybe they think he’s performing adequately as a tank?

Seems like you’re in the minority. To be fair, I think a lot of people that queue as dps aren’t performing adequately as dps.

Wonder why said people(DPs) are queueing as tanks already?

Want another +1? Make it so Oceanic and SA both only get queued into their own areas. :3

That’s why you spam overhealing into the actual DPS, so you show as doing big HPS on details.

It’s never really abuse, though?

If four people want the fifth gone, for whatever reason, they’re gone.


It is, VTK for things that are not issues is abuse. Like say, removing someone for playing a certain race. See FFXIV for the rules that would fit, if you like.

If they want to make a group without certain races, they can make a premade group. :3

If it’s a high iLvL DPS queueing for a Normal/Heroic dungeon, it’s NOT because they’re trying to skip the queue, it’s because they want the reward that it’s currently offering (I have a weakaura that tells me what dungeons/raids are offering rewards for what specs, because those bags can have Veiled Augment Runes in them.) If I was a gambling man, I’d say people who don’t outgear the content don’t tend to try and cheese it by queueing for the wrong role.

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Nah, it’s pretty funny to see somebody lobbed instantly with the reason being “worgen”.

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Can be, further taking the reward from an actual tank(Satchel) is worse. :3

uhhh, your tank being an undergeared (or just not stupidly overgeard) boomkin, fury warrior, or havoc DH is an issue that can prevent the completion of the dungeon.