I think there should be an RNG element for instances that assigns a random member of the group to be a boss for the run. Instead of fighting the NPC’s, you’d get to wreak havoc upon your own team.
I’ve always thought of it more as a result of the age of the game rather than M+ honestly. Not many people want to spend a lot of time leveling in a dungeon they have already played through hundreds of times.
it depends 100% on the group. Are they geared well? are they using mitigation? Do they know the run? Are the pulling too much ? Are they all pulling for the ‘tank’ ?
Ive had tankless runs with a healer and two DPS where we did just fine.
And Ive had runs like the one I mentioned that was a flipping nightmare.
The real issue here is, I signed up for role X, i should do what I agreed to do when I clicked the join button.
lol. funny part about that is I used to defend PUGs to the death when they were bashed in here.
Now I understand why randoms are bashed. You get the sorts in runs who troll four other players with the antics and chaos.
I just want to get the run done. I dont want to wipe 4 times because Johnny Tanksalot cant get into tank spec and do his job and waste an extra half our of my game time.
While I agree that people shouldn’t queue as a tank if they can’t actually tank (note: some dps can pull it off. I’ve seen it done. I’ve seen others fail miserably at it), you have the tools available to you to handle this situation
any one of those. use them.
If I had to guess, it wasn’t your subject so much as it is the way you’re going about it. Alot of your messages are coming off as quite hostile, and that kind of behavior isn’t exactly looked upon fondly here or anywhere really.
In my opinion it’s just a change of the times and a shift in gamer culture all around. Not just limited to Blizzard or WoW.
Streaming is incredibly prevalent and people clearly enjoy fast paced action. We are also in a time where instant gratification is more prevalent than ever.
I have no sources to go on, this is only my opinion. My tin foil hat theory, even, maybe. They made Mythic + a thing, not only to be relevant in todays streaming and video culture, but also to keep the dungeons themselves relevant throughout the entire expansion.
I don’t like Mythic + dungeons because they took dungeons in the opposite direction I’d have liked, but the fact that so many people enjoy it cannot be ignored.
I agree 100% and I think that if you sign up for a role (regardless of what spec you’re in, although it’s better to be in the appropriate spec) you had better be prepared to fulfill that role that you agreed upon.
again, as was addressed earlier, irrelevant and not the point of the topic. Was also addressed that this was for SL dungeons. Reading is hard for your type, yes?
i LOVED dungeon running in Legion. We had a few troll players, but not many.
loved healing, DPS and tanking.
Something changed in BFA for some reason. I do know my realm went from ‘new players’ to ‘full’ to ‘new players’ again…so maybe we got a lot of drifters changing realms or something. But Ive hated running current dungeons since BFA. Its a toss of the coin if its going to go south real quick. I play this game to enjoy myself, not to be irritated by Ions antics with the game, and certainly not some troll player there to cause chaos and not just get the run over with.
I’ve tanked full dungeons as dps, especially when daily heroic was still a thing. It is great fun. Doing it without a willing healer is rude because you are going to take more damage. But as long as you hold aggro and are geared enough not to fall overand die like the player you described, it is not a problem and will make your dungeon go faster.
In any case, are you paying out $20 to everyone or just one person in specific? I take Paypal.
Then kick them.
It isn’t hard. The tools to handle your problems already exist.
Personally if a DPS can hold aggro I don’t care. Same if a healer is playing DPS and we’re not dying. It benefits me.
Then you’re the only one with the issue.
Probably some fury warrior rocking two Mythic Jaithyis bored to hell who had no reason being in a heroic LFH but for other than the lols
hehe, I have runs of Crown Chemical runs end before I could land one hit on the bosses. Some DPS are insane.
But what is trolling is the OP (Melarien) and Highndry are the same person.
The way they were perfectly agreeing with each other was a bit too perfect.
Edit: I might be wrong.
If they pull in something like say the holiday event, then you can’t exactly do that. Plus, you have to be in group for 5+ minutes before being able to initiate a kick.
I think people queueing as incorrect roles to get a fast queue, just like people that abuse the vote kick option for incorrect things should receive punishment from Blizzard. A week or so of being unable to queue to start would be good.
If they want to ‘tank’ a dungeon as a DPS spec, or heal as a DPS spec they can make a premade group themselves. :3
Ah heroics late in the expansion. Wait till you get a WW tank (who chain pulls to the boss) and Feral healer in the same group - with a bunch of 165 dps.
It’s all part of blizzs plan to force us into M+ pushing high keys where ahats don’t screw up the system.
I’ve complained about this every tier since I started playing in legion. Get shut down everytime, and Blizz seems to have no interest in fixing it. It’s just the one of may ways they screw their own game for casuals.
If I still needed the rocket then I’d still be queuing as tank on every tanking class but playing dps.
Because roles don’t really matter in such trivial content. Don’t need a tank, don’t need a healer.
I’ve seen some wipes in the event because of people doing it, so that’s false. Further, queueing as a role that you are not actually is abuse of the queue system. You want to DPS as tank/healer do a premade.
I don’t think I’ve seen a wipe to holiday bosses.
The average LFD user likely wouldn’t even notice.