again…the problem you dps players seem to be unable to comprende is tanks are there to be the sheild. If i have FOUR dps getting slammed, and we arent all overgeared, healing can be a nightmare…and I cant rely on these clowns to use mitigation.
IF the run is going fine, then I shouldnt even notice the ‘tank’ isnt in spec…but I do.
And if I do, hes not doing his job. And if hes not doing HIS job, my job is made harder.
So yes…the second its causing real problems, Im voting to kick after a warning.
but thank you for admitting youre one of the jokers who sign up as TANK and then run DPS
I’ve played all roles as well, it gives me a significantly higher appreciation to those who actually perform the roles proper, not someone who bypasses everyone to grief.
and that is literally the flipping point. DPS all kinda aggro the same given equal damage…then they ALL get slammed and now the healer has to heal four paper prop up DPS instead of focusing mainly on the damage sponge tank. lol
Just stop dude…
yeah, pal…i have been for 5 years now…lmao…which is why I know factually that DPS is toilet tissue compared to a tank spec. Much harder to keep healed, times four.
again…just stop…
My ex wife liked to cheat. She would literally defend other people who she knew were cheating in their relationships. Took me a long while to figure out why.
If one is defending the behavior, theres likely an obvious reason for it.
I totally get what OP is saying. If a DPS cannot handle aggro and cannot take a hit, or the healer is struggling to keep them up, it’s a problem. A lot of people are providing obvious solutions, that don’t really address the problem. The vote kick feature is wonky and depending on your group, can be incredibly unfair.
Leaving a dungeon is the easiest thing to do and is my preferred method to dealing with idiots. But that isn’t really a fair solution. It’s just the most resolute, in my opinion.
All that being said, if a DPS can manage the tanking role and can pull 6 mobs and not die, while maintaining aggro, you simply don’t hear about complaints like this. When it works, it works. I have seen DPS queue as tanks, and more often than not it has worked. Maybe that’s just luck, or maybe I am just a superb healer.
Something I’d like to mention is that situations like these contribute to positive memories. It is very cool to complete a dungeon in a non-traditional way. It sticks in my mind far more than every other standard dungeon run I have ever done.
that’s all i’m saying. and OP refused to specify whether their group actually had trouble, or whether they’re just mad that somebody isn’t playing “right”
It simply seems like an inconsiderate way of approaching group content. It’s something that people should find a guild of like minded people for and do it with them. It’s not “wrong” because you can do it other ways than how it is designed… but not giving a hoot sort of is wrong when your speaking about playing with random people who expect to play something a certain way.
Lol and now someone who got their feels hurt reported the post and its now waiting moderator review to see if it goes against code of conduct. Guess I struck a nerve on someone!!
just so you know, it wasn’t me. i pretty much only report racist trolling. i’m not one of the “use report as a downvote” people, even with people i disagree with on basically everything.
^ met some of my best pals in a dungeon where we had no healer or tank for almost the entirety of it. we managed to improvise and get to the last boss without either before we got a tank. it’s a memorable experience.
Yeah, I can see that. Personally I am inclined to give the benefit of the doubt and for me, most of the time, the pay off was worth it.
I have had DPS queue as a tank and they were decent enough to provide a disclaimer upon entering the dungeon, and after wiping a few times on trash with specific mechanics, they swapped to their tank spec.
Things don’t always work out that way, though. I think negative experiences can often stick with us just as easily as the positive ones, but overall situations like this are not all that common.
I’m always willing to try, I don’t care for Mythic + but that “gogogo” mentality has bled into normal dungeons as well. I don’t do dungeons like I used to in Wrath, Cata, Mists, etc. but I still do several a week. Doing the same dungeons day in and day out is boring, sometimes it’s nice to spice it up and add a personal modifier (similar to Mythic +, except not Mythic +, if that makes sense)