again, your mentality is why so many queue trolls exist, as you’re enabling it to continue happening.
again idc lol.
just leave the dungeon or kick the tank it’s not hard.
and you’re unable to read. Can’t kick because it forever fails. Begone, illiterate.
enabling what to continue happening? you didn’t explain the problem. is the problem just that they’re not in tank spec? is it keeping your groups from progressing?
i used to queue as healer in shadow spec. i was in full bis mythic raid gear so heroics were a joke and i could blow things up long before anyone actually needed healing. i let people know up front that if we ran into trouble i’d be happy to switch to disc. it never happened.
bro i think you’re the one that it is illiterate that’s why i said if you can’t kick the tank just leave. spare parts.
its YOUR job to tank if you signed up as tank and not troll four other players lol
I’m done wasting my time on these enablers. Their mentality is cancer and its why it continues to happen, and nothing will get done.
not really there isn’t any job that anyone really has to take as long as the dungeon gets done. the holy trinity is just a guideline. in the end the majority rule in a dungeon decides what is and isn’t fine.
lol. you’ll get the excuses from a few of them in here. Theyre pretty much admitting its them who are doing it.
Just put them on ignore. I do.
If we have a hunter who can tank with his pet we’ll do that and finish a run, but yeah…its annoying when Im healing to have a tank decide he’s going to make my job 10 times harder by running as DPS.
My guess is these jokers have never healed before so they have no comprehension what HPS is. lol
DPS they comprende though.
They want to come in as DPS so they can mow down the mobs with the big boys, but if we arent all seriously overgeared, its just making the healers job harder or impossible.
What you need to do is the second you see this again, put the character on ignore. You wont get joined with it again in randoms. Hopefully its the players main so you wont have to deal with them ever again.
please explain your original post a bit more clearly. in what way are they failing to tank?
They get extra loot for queuing for the tank spot.
Not sure why then a DPS would do it knowing they can not do the job.
Right click and report them for cheating , on grounds that …
Or just heal the rest and let them work on gathering the gold to pay the repair bill.
I’ll wait and let them switch or leave, or time is money friends.
huh…didnt think of that, lol.
I turn of the heals for wayward DPS players, didnt think of just shutting off heals to the joker in the Tank spot if hes refusing to get into tank spec.
I’ll do that from now on, lol.
Tbh I dislike when players do that. It has worked out before when the dps was very powerful and capable of holding aggro. But the common issue with this in my experience is that they aren’t able to hold aggro on everything. The fast queue for that one player ends up putting unnecessary stress on the rest of the group. So I am normally against it when I see it.
What it does it removes someone who is far more capable of performing the role, over someone who doesn’t feel like waiting. And the mentality of these abusers and their enablers is disgusting.
so you’re saying that even if the player is able to tank fine in a dps spec, you’re punishing them because they’re not in the spec you think they should be in?
man, you GD elitists are something else. for all the talk about how people should be able to play how they like, you really mean “as long as it’s the way i think they should play”
Yea, if I catch a dps queuing as a tank I will boot them out the door as well.
I wonder if there is some way to program the dungeon finder to stop it from happening?
I just did a Crown Chemical with a DPS Warrior tank… he was so over geared it was silly. Took two minutes and we were done. The DPS did okay and it was easy to keep everyone healed.
That will not be everyone’s experience though.
It’s not “how I think they should play” It’s how the ROLE is designed to be played. If you’re a dps, you’re not tanking. You’re not healing. You’re dealing damage, whereas the tank role is for someone to soak the damage, and the healer is supposed to heal. If you’re unwilling to perform those roles, THEN DONT QUEUE AS SUCH.
if you keep aggro, you’re tanking
thats an irrelevant comparison. We’re not talking about an event that takes seconds…